Just wondering whether everybody's familiar with the Center for American Progress? They just concluded a major conference on security and peace. We should all subscribe to their daily progress report. It's sent out via email daily and it's excellent-- very informative.
The Center for American Progress is the first progessive answer to think tanks like The Heritage Foundation. It's a major step in getting a progressive message out to the media and generally and specifically defining a progressive message. It's very important. I've included some links for folks who are unfamiliar with them.
The NY Times had a pretty good article covering the recent conference yesterday:
http://www.nytimes.com/2003/10/30/politics/30TALK.html?ex=1068094800&en=540b5c49bf431a6f&ei=5062&partner=GOOGLEThe center's website also has much more information on it:
http://www.centerforamericanprogress.org/site/pp.asp?cid=%7BE9245FE4-9A2B-43C7-A521-5D6FF2E06E03%7D&bin_id=%7BF2813D5B-78F0-4CF4-A3C2-2D92234DC579%7DThis is the homepage for the center:
http://www.centerforamericanprogress.org/site/pp.asp?cid=%7BE9245FE4-9A2B-43C7-A521-5D6FF2E06E03%7D&bin_id=%7BD4279185-2138-4D60-8557-E26508FD8C13%7D<on edit: just fixed a typo>