Is an outsider really an outsider if he responds to insider pressure? I don't think so. This next year is the year of the outsider. People are tired of politics as usual, tired of politicians living by insider threats, quid pro quo, and insider pressure. I believe the kind of campaign you run reflects the kind of elected official you will be, and people don't want insiders. We are angry--Greens, Democrats, Republicans--and we're going to run the insiders out of office. It's time for people with real values and the backbone to act on those values. I am running because I just can't stand what they're doing to our country anymore. I just can't stand it.
I'm a True Believer and I'm running on what I believe in. I believe in the principles of economic, social, and civil justice and the optimistic, American ideal that we all deserve an equal shot in this country. I also believe you can't apply principles selectively and expect them to mean anything. You won't hear me talk about your freedoms and then vote for the Patriot Act. You won't hear me talk about the importance of international cooperation and then vote for unilateral invasions like the war in Iraq. You won't hear me call myself a Free Trader and then say I'm for Fair Trade. I'm for Fair Trade because it's right, not because Free Trade is unpopular.
You will hear me talk about economic justice and follow it with a proposal for a Living Wage. You will hear me talk about the principles of social and economic justice and apply them to gay rights. You will hear me talk about civil justice and see me fight to repeal the anti-American Patriot Act. And you won't hear me talk about leadership and then fail to lead with real plans toward our shared vision of America...