I haven't been around for quite awhile so perhaps this had been discussed here already. I have been watching the dem debates and sorry but not a one of them, that stands a chance, is to me in anyway inspiring. I've thought for a long time that Bushs' idiocy and policies will not alone win this for us. There are just to many right wing wackos, religious nuts, gun toters, corporate lap dogs that are going to vote for this man no matter what.
We need someone who is going to inspire, give hope, not just trash Bush. It isn't going to work having an attack platform without being able to inspire a lot of non voters to get to the polls.
Dean comes across terrible. He doesn't seem to be a leader that can stick to his core issues and also lead people to understand why they are right.
Help me, where do we go. We need another Kennedy, Clinton, someone who can speak like them.
Am I wrong?