I did not come here to debate a "conservative" agenda as I stated plainly and with consideration for the slower thinking crowd. I am a "true progressive" independant. It was humorous though, to see how quickly many of the me-too crowd translated independant to conservative. I didnt originally post anything of a conservative, divisive, or inflammatory nature, I simply challenged what is obviously a massive groupthink mentality here. No hotbead issues, no flamming posts, just questions! In fact, until the
moderators of thought banned me, I was very civil. But I dont like being silenced, it makes me cranky. So here it is again, for all who havent seen it. And yes, I will be back. Please do try to respond with some modicum of intellectual reason, dont just kill the messenger.
Thank you for your cooperation
Special note to Paragon: Im doing the same thing over and over again, as you point out, to bring this issue to the attention of the DU community. Most of whom I assume are ignorant of just how repressive this "progressive" forum is. No, its not insanity, its a reasonable attempt to bring to everyones attention how this super-enlightened crowd doesnt just fear honest and civil discussion, they kill it.
Progressive, enlightened forum or self agrrandizing, myopic bubble?
I was banned from the DU forum 4 times now because I dared discuss, in a polite yet thought-provoking way, the ideology and politics you all (and I mean all) adhere to with such unquestioned loyalty and blind enthusiasm. Rush fans have nothing on you "progressive" folks!
For a group so committed to their purported respect for diversity and free speech, I was astounded that I was
silenced so quickly, and without explanation. Yes, I am fairly conservative compared to this crowd but more
independant in my voting. Is that threatening? Will my comments burst your myopic bubble? Will I rain on your "we are so much smarter" parade? Does your fear of real discussion outweigh your arrogance? Its hard to believe so considering the following post but I'm at a loss to find any other reasonable explanation.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=104&topic_id=711444 I read and understood the DU forum rules, prior to posting, and it states with the diversity focused, extra-enlightened, embarrassingly-arrogant liberal lingo, that within the forums you "will likely encounter many points of view here that you disagree with." In an even broader stroke of enlightenment and exercise in courage, and in the spirit of truly challenging your highly evolved intellect, the rules further point out... "We ban
conservative disruptors who are opposed to the
broad goals of this website." The glaring question is, how will anyone in this forum
ever hear a point of view that you dont agree with if you are unwilling and unable to open the discussion to OTHER POINTS OF VIEW??
Another question comes to mind. What are the true "broad goals" of this website? Might I speculate that the sole purpose of this website is to: take your money, keep you ignorant and unchallenged in your feel-good, self righteous thoughts, and make you feel safe and cozy in your little "me too" bubble, surrounded on all sides by people... JUST LIKE YOU? Diversity you say?
There is no question that the purpose of you being here is to share your liberal ideas, meeting dates, hate campaign of the day etc. But why are you so drawn to a forum where diversity, dissention, and debate is outlawed? I thought liberals invented those traits (I think Al Gore said that). Do you learn anything here beyond the date of the next feel-good, issue-of-the-day rally? Is this only what you feel comfortable with or do you feel DU serves some other, more enlightened purpose? Perhaps you feel having a little liberal rec room all to your own, absent of true logical engagement, is healthy for your political conscience.
Surely you all can find forums that are open to truly diverse points of view. Surely you can take the collective liberal circle jerk into the public forum. Or are you hiding behind these ideologicial walls in fear because you find solace in your consolidated groupthink?
Just a thought but you might want to break out of the little "most righteous" bubble you live in and start thinking for yourselves. Its hardly surprising the right wing is gaining more and more influence in public office and in the hearts and minds of Americans. This forum, this shining example of enlightened, intellectual liberal discourse is nothing more than a frightened and uninspiring "me too" festival. Sheep? Yes, I think you have redefined that term here.
When you are ready, I invite you to join me and my fellow Americans in the truly meaningful discussion that is going on all around you.
Thank you
currently seriptious
formerly warner
formerly helmeuth
formerly grkda
..more coming soon, im sure
P.S. I would like to refer you to my previous posts but they were deleted, locked, or archived by the
"moderator"....for your "protection". Hail free speech! Hail DU!!