Edited on Sun Nov-30-03 09:04 PM by Blue_Chill
The US is running around the world "spreading democracy" to combat terror. We have flags waving and angry country music all over the place. Just about everyday we are bombarded with images of soldiers waving goodbye or greeting their familes upon thier return. Sometimes we even see coffins.
But why is so much attention being given to terrorists that in reality aren't the biggest organized threat to the people of this great nation of ours. How is it that so much evil goes on within our borders and no one seems to give a damn.
Hate groups are alive and well. They are all over the place exerting their influence where ever possible, making threats, scaring people, and making life horrible for too many. Anything that makes you different makes you a target.
If there ever was a group that terrorizes it would be the gangs that dominate this nations inner cities. The problem hasn't been given the attention it should have been and they are now growing out of the spray painted streets into suburbia.
Extremists: be they eviromentalists, animal rights, abortion, religious, or the growing nationalists. These groups unchecked can become a monster, all extremist no matter what issue they care for if left unchecked can do horrific things. Islamic extremists are only one type of these sickos, currently they are by far the most deadly but that could change.
So I ask you, am I the only one that wants a real war on terror? Am I the only one that is sick of turning on the TV and seeing gang shooting, abortion center bombings, gay people killed for no damn reason? THIS IS TERROR AND THIS MUST STOP! We will never get the people of the United States to embrace nonviolence if the enviroment we live in remains extremely violent.