I think that the choice of Lieberman had everything to do with the composition of the Congress and Gore's own experiences as Vice President.
1.) Lieberman's real strength has been his ability to get the Republicans to cooperate on legislation, which would have been essential with a Congress that was either majority Republican or evenly split - - and frankly, there was no way that the Congress was going to be Democratic after the 2000 election.
2.) When Clinton was being impeached, Gore was under a lot of pressure to turn on Clinton. If Gore had thrown his weight behind the impeachment, it might have been successful, and Gore would have become President. One of the reasons that Gore was so ruthlessly investigated during the Clinton administration was that he wouldn't stab Clinton in the back.
The Pugs made it crystal clear that they were not going to accept a Gore Presidency. So Gore would have needed a Vice President who would put loyalty before personal gain. Gore and Lieberman were close friends at that time, and had been for many years.
A lot of the the other people Gore was considering are now running for President. And they threw their hat in the ring almost immediately after the 2000 election ended (I saw Kerry tell a reporter he was running for President the day after the electors were confirmed). Lieberman was the lone exception: he refused to commit to a run until Gore said whether he was running in 2004.
3.) If you go to Project Vote Smart's profile of Lieberman, you'll see that Lieberman is not the most conservative guy who ever lived.
http://www.vote-smart.org/issue_rating_category.php?can_id=S0141103Here are a few of his recent ratings:
NARRAL: 100%
Planned Parenthood: 100%
Human Rights Campaign: 100%
National Hispanic Leadership Agenda: 91%
NAACP: 94%
NEA: 100%
AIDS Action Council: 100%
AFL-CIO: 92%
Oops, sorry to clutter the discussion up with facts. ;)
4.) Chosing Lieberman got Gore a ton of positive press right before the convention. Give Gore his due - - it was a pretty gutsy thing to do, to pick a Jewish running mate.