I couldn't stomach it, especially after listening to Jim Warren, Chicago Tribune, reading from it for 10 minutes tonight on his radio show.
here's the best/worst part. If it's in the story (he MAY have been quoting Allen from a personal conversation), I'm surprised it hasn't been commented upon here/thread started, cause I think it's an eye into the slimy little world of the Washington Press Poo(d)l(e)s.
that would be, in hommage to Tony Blair Press Poodles, Poodles replacing Pools
I have to go, but the circomultorious point is that Allen, engaged in conversation with the Bloomberg News stenographer, shared comments about them "Both being AWOL" with the 'president', as a result of all the lying, secrecy surrounding this little hejira.
The implications of this are OBvious: press corps is very familiar with the lying deserter's little secret, but reFUSES to EVER discuss it. what gives? more later.........I talked with Warren about the trip, but he cut me off before I could get to the AWOL bit.