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The Zero Files: Shadowy realms of mind control and paranoia

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Wonk Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-03 12:58 AM
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The Zero Files: Shadowy realms of mind control and paranoia
They are, in a way, the real-world equivalent of television's "X-Files," the fictional secret collection of FBI cases involving alien abductions and grand conspiracies that kept legions of fans entertained for nearly a decade.

But while Fox Mulder and Dana Scully have long since retired to the compost bin of syndication, the FBI's Zero Files thrive in obscurity -- remaining, in their own way, very real.

They exist on nondescript shelves deep in the archives of FBI offices in San Francisco and across the nation, within thick file folders tucked anonymously among thousands of manila clones. And until now, when The Chronicle received permission to examine the folders, the Zero Files had never been opened to public review.


Recently, before these terrorist acts, I made a usual request that you investigate the Necronomicon. I do not know if you took me seriously, as I realize you are still enslaved by the physical realm and refuse to open your mind to this spiritual war that is clearly discussed in Revelations, but in case you did, I wanted to add a little information.

-- From the Zero Files, 10/22/2001-- -- --

:tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat:

Some of these are pretty funny :+
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GAspnes Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-03 01:11 AM
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1. fascinating read
reminds us of how flexible and imaginative the human mind can be.
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JetJaguar Donating Member (207 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-03 01:30 AM
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2. Hmmm...
'I had a visit yesterday from two gentlemen who said they were from the SECRET SERVICE! They were looking for the HAMBURGLAR who said the PRESIDENT might choke on a CHEESEBURGER on AIR FORCE ONE! No wonder they can't balance a TRILLION DOLLAR BUDGET in DC, they have to check out all the MCDONALDS in AMERICA for the DEADLY CHEESEBURGER that might KILL the PRESIDENT! This is not a JOKE!

-- From the Zero Files, 8/15/1995-- -- -- '

Has anyone seen the HAMBURGLAR lately?

And 8/15/1995 isn't that the day Fox hired Sean Hannity?:crazy:
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maggrwaggr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-03 01:32 AM
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3. It's sad. Can you imagine having a disease where your own mind
torments you like that twenty four hours a day, with no end, ever?

Hell on earth.

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Freddie Stubbs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-03 08:28 AM
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4. I used to see letters like that when I worked in Congressional offices
Most of them were from other districts, so we simply forwarded them to whomever represented them.
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