"President Bush, having surprised the nation with his Thanksgiving trip to Baghdad, asked Americans on Saturday to volunteer to help military personnel and their families." daily.
How much more of this breathtaking mendacity, criminality, and pure greed can Americans put up with from their own President?
Of course, since I'm a "Liberal," now-called "Progressive," (the new invented word to hide the fact that I'm a Liberal from those out there who have bought into the corporate media's painting of such over the past 20 years as to really mean: faggot, Jew, Commie, pinko, peacenik, traitor), I must not really support the troops because I'm questioning the President & Cheney's skimming of the "war profits" into their own pockets.
I hope this is old news for all of you at DU...?
Our President and Vice President are DIRECTLY PROFITING FROM THIS DISASTROUS IRAQ QUAGMIRE! Do you think they give a shit if it GOES BADLY for Americans and American troops? No. IF their intentional "incompetence" only prolongs the war and drags the rest of the world into WORLD WAR IV, do you think they care? Who will make EVEN MORE money and profit even more greatly and obscenely if The Bush Cartel continues to "screw up?"
That's the Bush Family Way! Bush's Grandaddy did the same thing during WWII. While Americans were getting killed by German munitions, weapons, and planes, Prescott Bush kept sending money to Hitler!'t you guys find it incredibly obscene that the very people that LIED to us about Iraq, PUSHED us into war, are the SAME PEOPLE making the big bucks? And if any of us raised a peep about it, we're told by the likes of their media toadies like Rush, O'Reilly, and Hannity to, "Shut up, Shut up, JUST SHUT UP!!!"
Additionally, since Bush has taken office, it's been determined that OVER THREE TRILLION DOLLARS IS MISSING from the Pentagon Budget. That's $3000,000,000,0000 GONE!
Our troops, our children are being short-changed and put in significantly MORE danger because of the war-profiteering being carried out by Bush and, President Bush offers up the solution:
"HEY YOU! Take time out from working two or three jobs to stay afloat in this Bush Economy; or take time out from working 60 hours a week for no overtime pay now that I passed legislation in Congress to eliminate overtime pay rules; take time out from pounding the pavement and looking for a job these past two years in this Bush Economy; FIND THE TIME somehow and pick up the slack for me after I screwed over our fighting men and women and their families by cutting their benefits and making sure the 87 billion dollars went into the pockets of my father and his cronies; FIND THE TIME to make up for my fucking over the military families and VOLUNTEER to help them! God knows they need it! They ain't get any help from ME, by jiminy!"
"Psssst! Wanna know the BEAUTY PART in all this? My appeal to your conscience will probably only stir up and motivate mostly the bleeding heart Liberals and Democrats among you to reach into your tattered wallets or volunteer your time to actually help these military families; God knows you Republicans out there already know better than to actually HELP ANYBODY with ANYTHING! So while you dumb-assed Lefties that actually were born with a conscience are making time to help these soldiers and these families, I can still jet around the country raising funds for political commercials that will continue to paint YOUR SORRY LIBERAL ASSES as UNPATRIOTIC and UN-SUPPORTIVE OF THE TROOPS!"
"Hell, I won't pay ANY political price for this; everybody knows military people usually vote Republican anyway!" "Military votes sure helped me in Florida in 2000!" "Yee-hah!"
How much longer can Americans continue to look the other way, watch their TiVO, flip the channel to SURVIVOR, sip their Starbucks Venti Cappucino's, and pretend THIS ISN'T HAPPENING? That their President isn't the most mendacious and corrupt President in American History?
Captain Mike