Check out We have added in context headlines to our sections that are updated every thirty minutes from newspapers around the world.
We are a small, progressive, start-up news/media outlet run part time by a few concerned citizens.
We plan to concentrate here stories that are of importance to us all with paticular focus given to progressive activities.
Our newspaper allows folks to recevie just the information they are interested in via filters - myGFP - and we syndicate our content with other progressive sites.
For those interested in what progressives can do with the right tech check out what a small group of progressives have already done at GFP where we are creating a new Global Media Outlet in our free time.
just imagine what we will be able to do when we go at this fulltime ;->
Thank you for taking the time to check us out and pass the word. :toast:
If you have your own website please consider linking to us to help spread the word especially the folks who hang out here - TBTM, TO, BUZZFLASH, BARTCOP, etc - and just DU me and we will recipocate.
Remember we must all network together if we are to be successful in defeating the RW propaganda machine.
psst... pass the word :bounce: