First choice is a Not even likely - Susan Fey. Yes, she's an official candidate. No, you've never heard of her. She's fabulous, but is missing 2 of the three requirements. She's not ole, and she's not a boy. Here's her link: out a tentative Edwards supporter (for maiden name reasons, and because he's been my sister's senator while she's in SC.) because he has been working hard to make sure that the Soldiers' and Sailors' Act of 1974 is enforced for the duration. (This act says that while a member of the Armed forces is on active duty in a war zone, interest charges on all interest bearing accounts are frozen at 0% APR for the duration.... In other words, every payment is on principal.)
The Marine Credit Union at Camp LeJeune (Yes, the MCU... I'm so ashamed to admit this) refused to comply with the act. Edwards looked into it (and did something) and now they're being a good Marince Credit Union.
Would still support Edwards, but have to be practical. My dream team is Dean - POTUS, Edwards VP, Braun Sec State, Clark Defense, Kucinich in the top Economics position. Gephardt at EPA or Interior. Lieberman can host the prayer breakfasts. Kerry who is a lawyer in AG, Sharpton, wherever he will serve.
But I believe in the Big Pond theory of government. All work together now - run as a team. They all have strengths and should work together.
Politicat (who is probably too idealistic and expects behavior that is far too good out of her candidates.)