The Minister for Europe, Denis MacShane, was on the receiving end of much criticism last week when he urged Muslims in Britain to adopt the “British way” and not the way of the “terrorists”. In his speech, released in advance by his office, he said it was "time for the elected and community leaders of British Muslims to make a choice: the British way, based on political dialogue and non-violent protests, or the way of the terrorists..."
Despite his speech being ‘toned down’ the message was clear; Muslims must cease to support the legitimate right to resist invasion, persecution and occupation. And in a perverse view of today’s reality he painted the British way as peaceful and political, and relegated everything else as linked to terrorism. This smacks of the same illogic of President Bush when he said, “you are either with us, or with the terrorists”.
The reality is that the British, or American, way is the way of open terrorism...It is also perverse for the British to call for an end to Muslims supporting and talking about martyrs and jihad, whilst they are actively spurring on the tyranny against the very people who are being forced to resist it. One has to remember that it is the “British way” to sell military equipment destined for Israel, such as the ‘Heads-Up Display’ units for Israeli F-16’s, which are regularly used to bombard innocent Muslims in Palestine. It is also the “British way” to send praise, money and political backing to internationally acclaimed tyrants, such as Karimov of Uzbekistan, who boils political prisoners! It was also the “British way” that ensured the continuation of sanctions upon the desperate Muslims of Iraq for over a decade, killing over half a million Iraqi children. And is it not the “British way” to remain occupying oil rich lands in the Middle East, though the overwhelming world opinion views it as unjust and illegal?
As the British and Americans increase in their hostility against the Muslim world, they play a political game of portraying those who resist their evil actions as terrorists. The Muslims of Britain, indeed those around the world, are not falling for such a trap. Hence the calls for the liberation of Muslim lands, and indeed the resumption of the Islamic Khilafah, have never been greater...We need to see the comments of MacShane as part of a global campaign to change Islam. This global ‘war’ includes promoting western backed scholars and organisations to promote an ‘Islam’ that fits neatly into the corrupt capitalist mode.