CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (AP) -- Democratic presidential candidate Dick Gephardt, faulting President Bush for "gambling with our safety," on Monday called for spending $100 billion over five years on homeland security.
Battling front-runner Howard Dean for a critical win in the January 19 caucus state, the Missouri congressman proposed the creation of a Homeland Security Trust Fund to assist state and local communities. The plan would be financed by eliminating special interest tax breaks.
"A guiding principle of homeland security is that it should look both inward and outward. A foreign policy that drives away natural allies in the war against terrorism does our country no good. And shortchanging domestic security puts our citizens here at home at undue risk," Gephardt said. "Homeland security involves balance and common sense. Unfortunately, those are two qualities we rarely see in this White House."
Speaking at police headquarters in this eastern Iowa city, Gephardt said he would spend $20 billion per year over the next five years. A special commission, modeled after the independent military base closing commission, would sort through the federal tax code and identify unneeded subsidies.