This article, published Oct 20th, 2003, was written by whom? Can you guess?
Here are a few excerpts:
"It is no small irony that the neocons who denounced this magazine ... when we argued against invading and occupying Iraq have left America more isolated than ever before in its history."
"Congressional Democrats and their national candidates have begun to scourge the president for Iraq and will extract a pound of flesh before granting his request for $20 billion to rebuild it. Why are they doing this ... Ashamed of their own cowardice, they intend to punish him for having “misled” them. Yet, how do they answer this question: if Senators Kennedy and Byrd and Representative Kucinich and Governor Dean could stand up to the heat and say no to war in October 2002, why couldn’t you?"
"The president’s problem in Iraq is the result of an unnecessary war. But it is our problem now. Solution: admit the mistake, turn around, get out with all deliberate speed. We liberated Iraq from Saddam, but the future of Iraq is for them to decide, not us."
What socialist leftie is this, ranting about the "neocons"? Damn liberal media! The traitorous commie dems have really taken over...
ON EDIT: I had the text and link in white, so it had to be highlighted to be read, but it really whacked out the responses, and the rest of the links on this page, at least in my browser. Therefore, I just moved the answer down a bit...
Here's the answer, and a link to the URL.
Is Bush Seeking a “Decent Interval”?Pat Buchanan
October 20th, 2003 issue
The American Conservative