During the scene where Chretien walks over to the grave where TEN of his siblings, who died in childhood, are buried ... I suddenly realized that there are significant parallels in the lives of the two men. Both are dismissed as not being intelligent. Both have the reputation for being tough and arrogant, but charming when they want to be. Both cultivate an incoherent manner when talking with the press. They both like golf and baseball (in fact, both organized players' leagues in their youth). Both were rebels at school. Both experienced family tragedies. (And as far as the kids go ... Bush's struggles with the twins are minor, next to the problems that Chretien, through no fault of his own, has gone through with his adopted son.)
If George W. Bush REALLY were the character he presents himself as, he would get along quite well with Chretien, because they would have a lot of things in common. I think Bush is jealous of "the little guy from Shawinigan" because Chretien's experiences make him look like a phony by comparison. Bush wants everyone to believe he's just a humble unsophisticated country boy (even though he grew up in a wealthy family). Chretien actually IS that kind of person. And I think Bill Clinton was onto something when he said that Chretien had worked his way up to the top job from humble origins, and that it seems to antagonize certain people.
Is it possible that Bush is actually scared that Chretien sees through him, and has been telling the other leaders this?