Edited on Tue Dec-02-03 11:17 PM by TruthIsAll
We had better move now before the pointy-heads take over completely. Let's do away with the ongoing Liberal consolidation of media ownership. Agreed. You guys are right, the media is controlled by liberals, communists and fellow travelers.
Coulter, you are correct. Don't worry. We know you're sincere in your fact-finding. Your footnotes in "Treason" and all those other books proves that you are meticulous. What does Franken know?
Hannity, don't fret about those democratic computers being hacked by aides to Sen. Hatch. We know it was just a liberal plot. Must be democratic moles looking to give the story to the media.
O'Reilly, don't even bother to apologize about the Bush failure to find WMD. You don't have to eat your hat - or your shoes. We know that it was just to liberate Iraq. And we have achieved that.
Tweety Matthews. The flaming lib believes all politics is local. And he gets off on tight-fitting, crotch enhancing jeans.
Russert. Oh, let's leave him alone. He's in it for the money. Said so. That GE Marxist Welch made him an offer he couldn't refuse.
Right, Goldberg! Let's get rid of the liberal-controlled media. All of them. Every last one of them. Especially CBS,
As for FOX. I agree. They are so liberal. Let's get rid of them. They are fair and balanced. Right. For liberals.
And Rush Limbaugh. That damn, pill-popping druggie. Getting paid $200 million to feed his habit. And getting high to influence 20 million liberal listeners.
And Bill Bennet. Throwing $9 million away at the tables in AC and Vegas. What an example this is to church-going fundies.
Dan Rather, the first liberal reporter to see the Zapruder film - reporting that JFK fell violently FORWARD. Sure.
Tom Brokaw, that liberal Bush interviewer, who said early on during Shock and Awe that WE would soon OWN Iraq.
Peter Jennings, that liberal Canadian, shilling for the Warren Commission.
We agree. We will support you guys in your attempts to bring back the Fairness Doctrine.
Forgive us for supporting Michael Powell's media consolidation agenda. Murdoch, that damn liberal wants it all! Well, he won't get it.