Fred Newman has been running this little political cult called the International Workers Party (IWP) since the mid 1970s.
He uses his psychotherapy groups, called "Social Therapy", as fronts to recruit for his political organizations, and his political organizations as fronts to recruit for his Social Therapy groups. The IWP is an "underground" group whose members are required to sign all their life possessions over to Fred Newman in order to join.
The New Alliance Party which ran Lenora Fulani in the 1988 and 1992 elections was a Fred Newman/IWP front. They started a bogus group called the "Rainbow Lobby" and tried claiming affiliation with Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition to raise money for Newman. They tried alliances at various times with the gay/lesbian community, with Al Sharpton, and with Louis Farrakhan. In the mid 1990s they tried to take over the Reform Party, and they did succeed in taking over the New York Independence Party and the Patriot Party, two Reform Party-affiliated groups. Then they got involved with the Pat Buchanan campaign in 2000. Oh, lest I forget, Newman also had his entire group en masse join the National Caucus of Labor Committees (Lyndon LaRouche's organization) in 1974, then pull out after a few months after it became clear that Newman wouldn't be able to take over the LaRouche group.
Most recently they have aligned themselves with New York's Republican Party, including Michael Bloomberg and George Pataki. That ballot initiative that Bloomberg was pushing, the one to switch NYC to non-partisan elections, was a Newmanite/IWP initiative that they got Bloomberg to support in exchange for promising to throw the support of the Newmanite organization behind him in the future.
They are not about ideology at all, just all about raising money for Fred Newman's lavish lifestyle and gaining him access to the corridors of power. Every time they try to ally themselves with somebody, they either try to take over the group they are "allies" with, or else they just raise as much money as they can and then destroy the group as they leave. There is a trail of very pissed-off people from everything from the Reform Party to the Sharpton and Farrakhan organizations to peace and lesbian/gay groups, Jewish community groups, and even LaRouchies and Buchananites that the Newmanites have left in their wake. For this reason, it's probably for the best that the Newmanites are now aligned, at least for the moment, with the New York Republican Party. Just think of all the damage they can do there! :)
The one group that has, to our credit, never fallen for the Newmanites' slick infiltration tactics, is the Democratic Party.
Here's a good link where you can read all you want about them: