Some insane right-wing idiot posted a message on the
message board. It is so stupid and insane you will find it hard to believe
a person could feel this way.
I thought I would let you guys see it, mods if this posting is against the rules
go ahead and delete it or lock it or whatever. I just think people should see
this, this is how some right-wingers truly feel. I am thinking of putting it on a
web page so everyone can see how some of these guys actually think.
I will not use his name or post his e-mail address, and it is from my public
message board so I think it is ok to post it here or anywhere for that matter.
I put some extra paragraph breaks in his insane comments so it will be easier
to read.
Name: xxxx
Subject: demos suck
Wed, Dec 3 2003 at 12:01 am
Message To Unpatriotic Citizens And Socialist Scum.
The war on terrorism is a war against fanatical, racist, sexist,
backwards,oppressive mutants from hell. You anti-war morons should be ashamed of
your overt displays of cowardice, ignorance, hypocrisy,
anti-Americanism,anti-Semitism, and support for terrorists who would just as soon
kill you than look at you. Word to the morons: Supporting Saddam Hussein or
Yasser Arafat is anything but patriotic, and sympathizing with Al-Qaida is
suicidal and sheer insanity.
You babbling idiots rant and rave against racism,
sexism and oppression, yet the Islamic neanderthals you support currently run, or
used to run, the most racist, sexist and oppressive regimes on earth.
Peace and justice my ass!
You left-wing, so-called peaceniks DO NOT appreciate your freedoms or right to
protest. You abuse the privilege and show no respect or appreciation for private
property, our police forces, or the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who died
defending your right to make complete asses of yourselves. Instead,you mock our
great country’s honorable leaders and soldiers.
You seditious
dictator-worshipping asshats should take to the streets with your puppets and
drum circles in Cuba, North Korea, Saudi Arabia or Iran and protest real
oppression. Instead of the occasional arrest or tear-gassing, you logic impaired
traitorous fools would be tortured and shot. Cowardly Stalinistas.
We can ill afford to cede one inch of ground in the war on terror. If we waiver,
terrorists will bring hijacking s, chemical weapons, suicide bombings and
assassinations to our country with a vengeance. Yes, this war will be painful and
costly. Yes, we will continue to suffer casualties. Terrorists and dictators
dealt the hand and raised the stakes, we have to play the hand out and folding is
not an option.
The terrorist training camps shut down in Iraq may have saved you
or one of your loved ones from a violent death in the near future. One of the
detainees at Guantanamo could've been the one who hijacked a jet you were going
to fly on. Think about that the next time any of you FEEL
the urge to refer to President Bush as Hitler. Dumbasses.
We must spare no expense in tracking down those who seek to destroy us.
We must continue to seize terrorist assets and shut down their sources of
financing.We must eradicate terrorists like we would rabies-infested vermin.
We must increase weapons shipments and send more money to Israel.
This is going to be a long fight, but inaction or appeasement is too nightmarish
and foolhardy to consider. Neville Chamberlain pursued a policy of appeasement
with Hitler and London got blitzed. Bill Clinton was too busy dodging illegal
fundraising probes and other INTERal things, to be concerned with crazed
hijackers who were plotting chaos and destruction.
Inaction and failing to take
these murderous freaks seriously brought us the WTC bombing, the U.S.S. Cole
bombing, U.S. embassy bombings in Africa and the 9/11 tragedy.
Those who seek
to destroy us are not to be negotiated with, nor are they to be taken lightly;
they are to be eliminated from the face of the earth with maximum firepower and
malice - at any cost.
I salute the brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces and I salute
President Bush and his administration for having the balls to take decisive
action in the war on terrorism. And if any of you Leftist dolts still believe
that Saddam had nothing to do with terrorism or Bush stole the election, go shoot
yourselves now.
To the paranoid Israel and America hating monkeys at Indymedia and D.U. To the
socialist slime of, A.N.S.W.E.R and the U.N. To Michael Moore, Sean
Penn, Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, Barbara Streisand, Sheryl Crow, John
Mellencamp, Ed ASSner and all ungrateful, un-patriotic and arrogant celebrities.
To the buffoonish and hypocritical democratic presidential pretenders. To all the
smelly hippies and black-clad, juvenile delinquent anarchists. To the terrorist
worshippers of Al-Jezeera, AP, BBC, ABC, CBS, NBC,PBS, Guardian and Reuters.
the degenerate, pompous, anti-American professors at many of our nation's
colleges and universities, and all those who attempt to hinder our efforts or
oppose us in this battle against pure evil:
Kiss my grateful and freedom loving American ass.