CSPAN Wednesday AM — Open phones on Nader running
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Wed Dec-03-03 08:36 AM
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CSPAN Wednesday AM — Open phones on Nader running |
Just thought people would be interested. :-)
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Wed Dec-03-03 08:44 AM
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1. Constitutionalist on line |
said the first time he EVER voted was in 2000 when he voted in Nader. Says Nader is a Socialist but need to break the hold of the two-party system.
Off-topic caller: Only people who have free speech are atheists and the weird Democrats. Suggests all true believers make separate pool with their taxes. (Personally, I would be more than happy to let the Fundies go form their own country and enjoy their Taliban-style government if that would mean they would leave the rest of us alone.)
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Wed Dec-03-03 08:49 AM
Response to Reply #1 |
2. The Constiutionalist is right on |
We are way to diverse to be participating in a two party system. It is time we bring in the Greens, Constitutionalists, Reformists, and Libertarians.
AdBot (1000+ posts) |
Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:46 AM
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