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Was Poppy behind Letelier hit?

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9215 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-03 10:49 AM
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Was Poppy behind Letelier hit?
Edited on Wed Dec-03-03 10:51 AM by 9215
Bush was head of CIA when Chilaen dissident Letelier and Moffit were killed in downtown DC. in 1976. The below source from Robert Parry does not specify but Bush met with Letelier at about the time of his hit. Another audacity statement? "Look, I can have em' hit in the nation's capital and get away with it; what more do you want?"
Google: Letelier+Bush

Bush is telling the world that he is in control and gets things done.
By Robert Parry
In early fall of 1976, after a Chilean government assassin had killed a Chilean dissident and an American woman with a car bomb in Washington, D.C., George H.W. Bush’s CIA leaked a false report clearing Chile’s military dictatorship and pointing the FBI in the wrong direction.
The bogus CIA assessment, spread through Newsweek magazine and other U.S. media outlets, was planted despite CIA’s now admitted awareness at the time that Chile was participating in Operation Condor, a cross-border campaign targeting political dissidents, and the CIA’s own suspicions that the Chilean junta was behind the terrorist bombing in Washington. ..........
.....That night, Sen. James Abourezk, a Letelier friend, found himself sitting near Bush at a state dinner at the Jordanian Embassy. Distraught about the murders, Abourezk asked the CIA director to commit the spy agency in the effort "to find the bastards who killed" Letelier. Bush vowed to help and added, obliquely, "we are not without assets in Chile.".........
One of the advocates for Pinochet's freedom has been George Bush, the former CIA director and later president. In his letter to the British government, Bush called the case against the former dictator "a travesty of justice" and urged that Pinochet be sent home to Chile "as soon as possible.".......
Former President George Bush is acting strangely these days <1June1999>, as if he may have something to hide. On April 12 The London Times reported that Bush had written a letter supporting former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, whom British authorities have detained since October while trying to decide whether to let a Spanish magistrate extradite and try him for crimes against humanity. The Times quoted Bush's letter to former British Chancellor Lord Lamont, calling the accusation against Pinochet a travesty against justice. Britain, Bush concluded, should allow Pinochet to return to Chile........
Nothing the agency gave us helped us to break this case," said federal prosecutor Eugene Propper in a 1988 interview for the story I was drafting for Newsweek. The CIA never volunteered Ambassador Landau's cable about the suspicious DINA mission nor copies of the fake passports that included a photo of Townley, the chief assassin. Nor did Bush's CIA divulge its knowledge of the existence of Operation Condor. .......
As it turned out, the Bush campaign had little to fear from my discoveries. When I submitted my story draft with its exclusive account of Contreras's role as a CIA asset Newsweek's editors refused to run the story. Washington bureau chief Evan Thomas told me that Editor Maynard Parker even had accused me of being "out to get Bush.

Note: Parry was fired from Newspeak at Poppy's behest.

Note: Also Kissinger, a very, very close friend, business associate, and political advisor, of the Bushies, has criminal case against him for complicity in Allende coup
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9215 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-03 03:44 PM
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1. This is a bombshell!
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