It's very simple. we got the goods on the Chimp*, and we're on the attack. Now Nader crawls out from his little gopher hole to start, once again his insipid, one note spoiler campaign (they're both alike). Let's squash him, get him out of the way, and re-focua all eyes on *Bush. Like it or not, he is an opposition to the Democratic candidate, and thus he should be treated like any other opposing candidate.
Here's a couple of links on this little pebble in our shoe...
In an interview with Bill Oh' Really? (I know, but the enemy of my enemy...etc ;-) ), He stated that he would not have had air support for the troops in Afghanistan, and would've negotiated with the Taliban. This, IMO, would've put more of our troops in danger, and killed many more Afhgani civilians than the bombing raids actually did.
"O'REILLY: But I still don't know how you would have driven the Taliban from power and have bin Laden on the run? If you're not going to use air power because you don't want civilian casualties, and you don't want massive U.S. casualties, what do you do? Send in 50,000 ground troops to do the job? You wouldn't have done that, would you?
NADER: No, I wouldn't. It wouldn't have required that.
O'REILLY: So all right, yes.
NADER: Spies, bribes and commandos, a very surgical effort. And saying to...
O'REILLY: Without the bombing?
NADER: Well, wait, you say to the Taliban, you choose. You want to stay in power, get out of the way. " pretty nice read here. I didn't know he crusaded against the evils of whole milk and the Elvis Stamp. Now THAT'S Presidential material.:eyes: luxury houses, union busting, worker abuse, and a hypochondriac to boot!
Oh' what a danger to Democrats he is.:eyes: He's a jerk, a worm and is insignificant.