I don't think laws can be passed to stop it. The most a President can do is issue some Executive orders, but they are also subject to being knocked down by Congress.
Clark's position is pretty simple. We can't stop companies from shipping our economy overseas. The best we can do is make it somewhat less profitable for them by eliminating the parts of the tax codes, and those special visas that facilitate such practices. Credits and regulations that encourage companies to start up or remain in the US are other avenues that can be investigated but what we really need to do (this is my opinion, not Clark's) is put the money behind some massive project under the defense budget (like Bush's moon colony) that can be conducted within the United States and kept here as a matter of national security.
The fact remains though that thanks to the Internet, a programmer in Jahore can do the same job as a programmer in Tulsa, and how do you stop something like that? The WTO box has been opened and there is no way to stuff the demons back inside.
So, tax reform, new technologies and dramatic ventures such as space exploration are some routes to take. Bringing back the jobs that have been sent out of country, however, seems all but impossible.
And keep in mind it was not ONLY the Republicans who are responsible for this stuff.