The Health Care Personnel Delivery System (HCPDS) is a standby plan developed for the Selective Service System at the request of Congress. If needed it would be used to draft health care personnel in a crisis. It is designed to be implemented in connection with a national mobilization in an emergency, and then only if Congress and the President approve the plan and pass and sign legislation to enact it. No portion of the plan is designed for implementation in peacetime. If implemented, HCPDS would:
Provide a fair and equitable draft of doctors, nurses, medical technicians and those with certain other health care skills if, in some future emergency, the military’s existing medical capability proved insufficient and there is a shortage of volunteers.
Include women, unless directed otherwise by Congress and the President.
Draft a very small percentage of America’s health care providers into military service. Impact on the availability of civilian health care would be minimal. Those health-care workers whose absence would seriously hurt their communities would be deferred on the basis of community essentiality.
Begin a mass registration of male and female health care workers between the ages of 20 and 45. They would register at local post offices. HCPDS would provide medical personnel from a pool of 3.4 million doctors, nurses, specialists and allied health professionals in more than 60 fields of medicine.
Require minimal training for HCPDS draftees, because they are already skilled personnel. "
http://www.sss.gov/FSmedical.htmThere's also this page with more info:
Are all medical personnel vulnerable?
Yes. The Health Care Professionals Delivery System would register and conscript sixty-two categories of medical specialists. They range from orthopedic surgeons to animal care technicians—doctors, nurses, medical specialists of all types.
Are students in the health care professions subject to the draft?
When students complete their qualification for their specialty, they will be required to register and will be subject to this medical specialists draft. In the meantime, if they are subject to the regular draft they could be inducted or deferred under the regulations already in place.
Are women included?
Yes. Selective Service proposes that women be included, since the service they provide is non-combatant. The current exclusion of women from the draft would be amended in the statute.
If I am registered for the draft already, will I need to register again as a medical specialist?
Yes. The separate register of Health Care Professionals will supersede the other registration. You will be required to provide information about the highest skill level in the health care professions that you have attained. You will still be subject to the regular draft, though you will almost certainly be beyond the age for call-up in the prime selection group of men who turn twenty in the calendar year.
http://www.nisbco.org/HCPDSWWW.htm#_Hlk51211599(It should be noted that this page is from before the HCPDS was passed. The age became 45 in the passed law, not 55 as in the 1989 concept paper)
Hope that helps!