The "outrage" seems a little disingenuous from the Dean people trying to downplay Kerry's ass-kicking foreing policy speech by focusing on the mere mention of James Baker, a man responsible for starting the peace process, as an
envoy for the Mid-east in the spirit of bipartisanship (gasp!).
Why? Oh, I don't know. Maybe because Howard Dean is so far up AIPAC's crack that is Sharon broke wind, Dean's face would be brown?
Shall we take a stroll down selective memory lane? Okay!
In November, Dean paid his first-ever visit to Israel on an excursion that was organized and paid for by AIPAC. He was apparently unperturbed at his sponsors’ close ties to a government that engages in a pattern of gross and systematic human rights violations and blatantly violates a series of UN Security Council resolutions and other international legal principles. During his visit,
Dean did not meet with any Palestinian leaders or any Israeli moderates.
He also rejects calls by APN and other liberal Zionist groups that Israel’s requested $12 billion loan guarantee be linked to an Israeli freeze on constructing additional illegal settlements on confiscated Palestinian land, arguing that such aid should instead be
unconditional. Pushing for such a dramatic and unconditional increase in financial support for the incumbent government just before Israelis went to the polls in January was widely seen as a
not-too-subtle endorsement of Sharon’s re-election. traveled to Israel on a trip sponsored by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). A
fter meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Dean stated: “I do not think that as long as Yasser Arafat is president there will be peace." Before leaving, Sharon asked if Dean would support requests for new loan guarantees to Israel.
Dean “promised him he would.” believes the Bush administration should be giving Israel
$4 billion in military aid to fight terrorism, not the $1 billion it proposed last month. December, Dean told the Jerusalem Post that he unequivocally supported $8 Billion in US loan guarantees for Israel. "I believe that by providing Israel with the loan guarantees...the US will be advancing its own interest," he said. His unconditional support for the loan package, in addition to $4 Billion in outright grants,
went further than even some of the most pro-Israel elements in the Bush administration, like Paul Wolfowitz, who wanted to at least include some vague restrictions like pushing Israel to curtail new settlements and accept a timetable to establish a Palestinian state.
In a major foreign policy speech earlier this year, Dean, while calling for an end to Palestinian violence,
did not call for an end to Israeli violence, let alone an end to the illegal Israeli occupation.
And when asked whether his views are closer to the dovish Americans for Peace Now (APN) or the right wing, Sharon-supporting American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), he stated unequivocally in an interview with the Jewish weekly The Forward,
"My view is closer to AIPAC's view."<
