OK, I have to brag a little bit about my crystal ball. A couple of weeks ago, after reading an incredible NYT article on the General, I indicated how the theme of General Clark as a "turnaround expert" would be a powerful one, both here and on the official Clark blog:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=104&topic_id=767693Here's one of the latest press releases from the campaign. :-)
During his thirty-four years in the military, Wes Clark learned the value of goal-oriented leadership.
Clark had a distinguished record of turning around the toughest units. In 1980, Clark was cited for taking command of the "worst combat maneuver battalion" and transforming it "in a period of only 3 months, through dynamic and personal leadership ... into the leader or contender for top honors."
Clark will use that same leadership experience to turn America around-with jobs for the unemployed, healthcare for the uninsured, better schools for our children, and a plan to get us out of Iraq.
"Our country is off-course and we need a clear plan to turn things around," said Clark. "In the army and in the business world, leaders are judged by their ability to meet goals. That's why I will set out specific goals as part of my Turnaround Plan for America."
For five days, beginning next Monday, Clark will focus on a distinct domestic issue, discuss how America has gone wrong, and present a plan for turning the problem around. Clark will set forth specific goals, so that the public and the press will have a yardstick by which to measure his success.
On Monday, during an RV tour of New Hampshire, Clark will focus on the economy.
On Tuesday, the second day of the tour, Clark will discuss the environment.
On Wednesday, Clark's final day on the RV, he will concentrate on family income.
On Thursday, in New York City, Clark will offer his ideas for children.
Finally, on Friday, in Tennessee, Clark will explain his health care goals.
"Every step of the way," Clark said, "I will set out clear goals, so that, as president, the American people can hold me accountable."