Not really. But if I did file as a candidate, I'd be the best declared candidate at present. I'm not joking.
Our outgoing governor, Gary Locke, is one of the biggest de facto criminals in Washington State history. If you can calculate the money that bastard stole from us in the name of sports stadiums and Boeing bribes, you might have half the tally. His anti-environmental agenda rivals George Bush's, and Locke virtually declared war against public education (while pretending to be the "Education Governor").
So who will replace Locke? Well, Democrats who have signed on include Phil Talmadge, King County Executive Ron Sims and Attorney General Christine Gregoire. All are pigs.
If you don't believe me, check out their campaign websites. Let's start with Gregoire: that her endorsements include the Public School Employees of Washington. I won't touch a candidate who's been endorsed by the "Education Mafia" with a ten-foot pole. And why are organizations making endorsements this early anyway? While candidates should declare their candidacy for Governor early, you never know who might join the race. Making endorsements six months before the end of the filing period is irresponsible at best.
But what about Gregoire's issues? All I see is rhetoric. She talks about funding education - but apparently has no intention of holding the crooks who have taken over our schools accountable. And do we really want a woman who's middle name could be "Child Abuse" in charge of our schools? Talk to folks in the social services arena, and they'll give you an earful about Gregoire.
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What about Ron Sims? Well, if you'd like to be under the jackboot of one of Paul Allen's best friends and a leading member of Seattle's "Black Mafia" to boot, vote for Ron. His endorsements include attorney James Ells, one of Seattle's greatest criminals.
In fairness, we should analyze Ron Sims' issues. Oops - it looks like he forgot to put any issues on his campaign website at!
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DANGER: Phil Talmadage got a big burst of publicity in the corrupt Seattle Weekly!
He served in the legislator and in the Washington State Supreme Court. If you subscribe to the theory that there are no legislators or Supreme Court Judges in Washington that are not corrupt, then you know why I won't be voting for Talmadge.
What issues does Phil discuss at His tax reform statement suggests he may be fan of Bill Gates.
He says public education is a "real priority," before blowing us away with this lengthy and spirited statement:
"Our State Constitution mandates that Education be our top priority. Under my leadership, it will be.
"Phil Talmadge comes from a family of educators, including his grandmother, father, wife and sister, who serves as principal in the Puyallup School District. In the course of his 16-year legislative career, Phil served on the Senate Education Committee where he supported legislation on K-12 and higher education. He is a founding member of South Seattle Community College Foundation and helped pass legislation creating Washington Scholars, WAVE and Running Start programs."
When I think of all the Senate Education Committee did for me and my students during my sixteen years in education, I want to wring Phil's sleazy neck.
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Oh, why bother. They're probably bad as or worse than the Democrats. I refuse to vote for any of the scum listed above. I'll write in Mickey Mouse rather than vote for more human refuse.
Are any GOOD candidates going to enter this race?