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Watch out: TWO corrupt teachers unions coming your way!

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JailBush Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-04-03 10:17 PM
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Watch out: TWO corrupt teachers unions coming your way!
As if the National Education Association isn't bad enough, Republicans are now trying to create their own corrupt teachers union. I just got a long-winded e-mail plugging the American Association of Educations. (See their website at

I noticed that AAE has little of substance on its website, and I was especially struck by its eagerness to take away teacher's right to strike. That's a BIG conservative education agenda right now. (I really don't know why they care; led by the NEA, teachers couldn't strike their way out of a wet paper bag as it is.)

So I sent an e-mail out to the list stating my opinion. Someone then sent me a nasty letter that only confirmed my suspicions. Below is a copy of my response, with a few names deleted.

At 02:41 PM 12/4/2003, wrote:

"I am a Republican. I resent anyone stating that Republicans are the death of public education."

I'm an Independent. Democrats and Republicans both the death of education - with a little help from Libertarians and the Green Party of Seattle. I've been checking out the education statements on various candidates' statements, from the presidential campaign to local races, and nothing's changed: NO ONE IS SPEAKING THE TRUTH ABOUT PUBLIC EDUCATION.

"I have given the last 3 years of my life to fighting to end the corruption in our public schools. I gladly have given my every waking moment to trying to improve our schools to halt the charter school movement. I have put myself and my family in harm's way to defend public education. And my story is different than all of yours from what I can tell. I am not a teacher, though my husband is. I was not mistreated by a school district or teachers union. "

Maybe you'd feel a little different if you had a few knives sticking out of your back, like the rest of us.

"I have taken on this cause because I believe in public education and want to make a difference. Many of the teachers that belong to TRAC are Republicans. We believe in work stoppages and collective bargaining.""

We call it collective groveling. I'm all for GENUINE collective bargaining, if it's done correctly. But the people who are bargaining for my side had better know their stuff and not be cowards.

"A good number of our teachers are also Democrats and others belong to the Green Party. TRAC has a refreshing perspective. We don't focus on the things that divide us; we focus on the things that build solidarity. "

Anyone who wants to reform education should focus on the TRUTH. Whether or not that truth divides people is irrelevant. People who can't handle the truth will never reform their way out of a paper bag.

"The leaders of the local teachers union, that screwed the teachers over royally for years are all Democrats. You may have heard about how the union boss, A BIG-TIME DEMOCRAT IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA, stole over $3 million dollars of union dues. You may have heard about how the entire executive board of the union and AFT and FEA stood by and watched and some helped themselves a little too. You may have heard how the union boss got sentenced to Federal jail last week. "

You're preaching to the church choir.

" I have a good basis to criticize all Democrats but I don't do that."

Me neither; I just criticize 95% of Democrats and perhaps 99% of Republicans. I've asked people on public forums to name ONE ELECTED OFFICIAL in King County (Seattle) who isn't corrupt. No one has ever replied. Nor am I aware of any honest Demopublicans in Washington State government. There may be some honest folks in other states, but I doubt that there are many on the state level.

George Bush's administration and Congress (Democrats and Republicans alike) are obvious abominations.

"I do come down hard on the union for "gutting" teachers. Just because some Democrats are crooks, doesn't = all Democrats are crooks. Just because some Republicans don't believe in work stoppages doesn't = all Republicans are against strikes. "

So why is this new "union" you're promoting against strikes??? I mean, ISN'T THAT A DIVISIVE ISSUE? And if they want to abolish strikes, what do they have to offer in their place - COLLECTIVE GROVELING?

"I know the folks from AAE personally and they know me and our members."

Yes, but we don't know YOU. If I told you that I can personally vouch for Roger Erskine, would you vote for him? In fact, Erskine is a notorious teachers union whore who was scooped up by Bill Gates.

"They know that we do not agree ideologically many ways, yet they have NEVER tried to impose their ideas on us. We do agree with them that educators (and all employees) should be free from compulsory membership IN ANY ORGANIZATION. THAT IS A TOTAL AND COMPLETE VIOLATION OF INDIVIDUAL CIVIL LIBERTIES. NO ORGANIZATION IS GREATER THAN OUR CONSTITUTION. We are getting ready to file a Federal lawsuit against the District for violation of civil liberties."

How can you tell us you're a Republican, then turn around and say you care about civil liberties? Are you speaking out against George Bush and John Ashcroft? Do you think we'll still have a Constitution if Bush gets re-selected?

"I don't know you personally Mr. GeoBear, but I think that stereotypes and generalizations are unprofessional and are the sign of shortsightedness."

So if I stereotype Nazis as evil, I'm unprofessional and shortsighted? Better think that one through.

"I believe we should embrace diversity in all its forms."

Me, too - as long as said diversity is centered on truth.

"I also believe that there are good Democrats and bad ones as well as good Republicans and bad ones. No one political party has the exclusive on good people that care about children and public education. But if we are going to discuss politicians, then it really doesn't matter to me what party they belong to, because I rarely trust any of them. "

Well, isn't that just what I said???

"I hope that NAPTA doesn't become a tool for divisiveness but rather a tool for solidarity. That is what we are fighting for in Miami."

I don't speak for NAPTA; I speak for myself - and you did not address the points I raised. Where's the substance? I've checked out the organizations and indiviuals you named, and I can find little evidence that they ever spent a day in a classroom. Where is their OUTRAGE over derelict principals and high-stakes tests? Clinton's Goals 2000? Bush's Leave No Child Alive Act?

The Northwest Professional Educations club is an obvious and blatant tool of the Evergreen Freedom Foundation - and I could tell you many stories about that operation.

If you want to convince me, you need to address some REAL issues, offer some REAL solutions and name some allies who have REAL track records that I can analyze and approve. I wouldn't pay $50,000 for a car sold by someone I don't know, and I'm not going to sell out children to some shadowy organization that sets off alarm bells in my well informed mind.

* * * * * * * * * *

(I'm a charter member of NAPTA, the National Association for the Prevention of Teacher Abuse, at The Northwest Professional Educators is based in Spokane, Washington, and is OBVIOUSLY in cahoots with the Evergreen Freedom Foundation, a conservative stink tank.)
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