I don't think that's true.
Well, not long after he became a Democrat and joined the presidential race, Wesley Clark unveiled his plan for Iraq. It consisted of two main points. One, increase the number of American troops in Iraq. This is not an original idea, but it's not crazy either; and, Two, get other countries to take over America's duties in the region. This is pure fantasy. Of course, it's a joke. It's not at all a serious point.
Not surprisingly, Clark's so-called ideas went nowhere. Now Clark has a new plan for ending the war in Iraq. It is brilliant. Unfortunately, he won't tell us what it is. At a rally in New Hampshire yesterday, Clark boasted that he has a strategy to bring American soldiers home. Pressed on what it is, he refused to answer. Pressed further by reporters, he admitted he doesn't have a clue. Asked how many soldiers should come home and when they should come home, he said that would be -- quote -- "not right, so don't ask me to do it."
OK, General Clark, how about get back to us when you figure out what you believe?
BEGALA: Look, I went on Clark's Web site.
BEGALA: And it's one of the great things about America, it's one of the great things about our country, is that four-star generals can be lectured about military policies by guys who never finished the Boy Scouts. He actually has 15...
CARLSON: Paul, that's so stupid.