Sponsor: Rep Souder, Mark E. Co-Sponsors (86): Rep Hastert, J. Dennis - 11/21/2003 Rep DeLay, Tom - 11/21/2003 Rep Blunt, Roy - 11/21/2003 Rep Cantor, Eric - 11/21/2003 Rep Cox, Christopher - 11/21/2003 Rep Dreier, David - 11/21/2003 Rep Myrick, Sue - 11/21/2003 Rep DeMint, Jim - 11/21/2003 Rep King, Peter T. - 11/21/2003 Rep Dunn, Jennifer - 11/21/2003 Rep Burton, Dan - 11/21/2003 Rep Crane, Philip M. - 11/21/2003 Rep Wilson, Joe - 11/21/2003 Rep Davis, Jo Ann - 11/21/2003 Rep Carter, John R. - 11/21/2003 Rep Goode, Virgil H., Jr. - 11/21/2003 Rep Linder, John - 11/21/2003 Rep Rohrabacher, Dana - 11/21/2003 Rep Gallegly, Elton - 11/21/2003 Rep Doolittle, John T. - 11/21/2003 Rep Pombo, Richard W. - 11/21/2003 Rep Hunter, Duncan - 11/21/2003 Rep Franks, Trent - 11/21/2003 R Rep Akin, W. Todd - 11/21/2003 Rep Feeney, Tom - 11/21/2003 Rep Buyer, Steve - 11/21/2003 Rep Tiahrt, Todd - 11/21/2003 Rep Brady, Kevin - 11/21/2003 Rep Chocola, Chris - 11/21/2003 Rep Culberson, John Abney - 11/21/2003 Rep Burgess, Michael C. - 11/21/2003 Rep Cunningham, Randy (Duke) - 11/21/2003 Rep Pence, Mike - 11/21/2003 Rep Jones, Walter B., Jr. - 11/21/2003 Rep Weller, Jerry - 11/21/2003 Rep Gibbons, Jim - 11/21/2003 Rep Diaz-Balart, Lincoln - 11/21/2003 Rep King, Steve - 11/21/2003 Rep Duncan, John J., Jr. - 11/21/2003 Rep Pitts, Joseph R. - 11/21/2003 Rep Herger, Wally - 11/21/2003 Rep Thornberry, Mac - 11/21/2003 Rep Hostettler, John N. - 11/21/2003 Rep Toomey, Patrick J. - 11/21/2003 Rep Garrett, Scott - 11/21/2003 Rep Kingston, Jack - 11/21/2003 Rep Norwood, Charlie - 11/21/2003 Rep Terry, Lee - 11/21/2003 Rep Bishop, Rob - 11/21/2003 Rep McKeon, Howard P. (Buck) - 11/21/2003 Rep Ose, Doug - 11/21/2003 Rep Manzullo, Donald A. - 11/21/2003 Rep Osborne, Tom - 11/21/2003 Rep Boozman, John - 11/21/2003 Rep Shadegg, John B. - 11/21/2003 Rep Wamp, Zach - 11/21/2003 Rep Rehberg, Dennis R. - 11/21/2003 Rep Radanovich, George P. - 11/21/2003 Rep Pearce, Stevan - 11/21/2003 Rep Weldon, Dave - 11/21/2003 Rep LaHood, Ray - 11/21/2003 Rep Diaz-Balart, Mario - 11/21/2003 Rep Brown-Waite, Ginny - 11/21/2003 Rep Ballenger, Cass - 11/21/2003 Rep Thomas, William M. - 11/21/2003 Rep Hoekstra, Peter - 11/21/2003 Rep Forbes, J. Randy - 11/21/2003 Rep Tauzin, W. J. (Billy) - 11/21/2003 Rep Paul, Ron - 11/21/2003 Rep Issa, Darrell E. - 11/21/2003 Rep Ramstad, Jim - 11/21/2003 Rep Musgrave, Marilyn N. - 11/21/2003 Rep Sessions, Pete - 11/21/2003 Rep Otter, C. L. (Butch) - 11/21/2003 Rep Crenshaw, Ander - 11/21/2003 Rep Walden, Greg - 11/21/2003 Rep Shimkus, John - 11/21/2003 Rep Davis, Tom - 11/25/2003 Rep Goss, Porter J. - 11/25/2003 Rep Bartlett, Roscoe G. - 11/25/2003 Rep Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana - 11/25/2003 Rep Harris, Katherine - 11/25/2003 Rep Peterson, John E. - 11/25/2003 Rep Pickering, Charles W. (Chip) - 11/25/2003 Rep Sullivan, John - 11/25/2003 Rep Hyde, Henry J. - 11/25/2003
As you can see, that list includes the Speaker, the Majority Leader, the Majority Whip, and the Chief Deputy Majority Whip. I'm sad to say that I think this bill has a pretty good shot at passing the House.
And the bill is pretty disgusting. Observe:
"H.R. 3633, a bill to provide for dime coins to bear the likeness of President Ronald Reagan, the Freedom President, in honor of his work in restoring American greatness and bringing freedom to captive nations around the world."
The Freedom President? Tell that to Central America.
And you guys will love Section 2 of the bill (my comments are italicized):
The Congress finds as follows:
(1) President Ronald Wilson Reagan, through his efforts as the 40th President of the United States, created policies that renewed economic growth, strengthened the resolve of the free world together to oppose totalitarianism, and restored pride in the United States.
Right...a President that truly restored Mourning in America.
(2) In 1981, when Ronald Reagan was inaugurated President, he inherited a disillusioned nation wracked by rampant inflation and high unemployment.
Oh, so now it's not just enough to deify Raygun...we have to denigrate Carter as well. :puke:
(3) The policies of President Reagan brought about the beginnings of an economic boom that lasted almost unimpeded through the end of the 20th century.
Amendment Offered by the Goobergunch: Strike "Reagan" and insert "Clinton" in lieu thereof.
(4) President Reagan was victorious in 49 of the 50 states in the 1984 general election, a record unsurpassed in the history of United States presidential elections.
Guess they don't want to mention Nixon, huh? Anyway, IMHO just being very popular isn't necessarily a sign that you are doing the right thing.
(5) President Reagan, through his simple republican dignity and sense of personal responsibility to the United States of America, brought pride and honor to the Office of the President.
Methinks this is another dig at Clinton....
(6) President Reagan worked in a bipartisan manner to enact his agenda of restoring accountability and common sense to government, which led to an unprecedented economic expansion and opportunity for millions of Americans.
See number (3). *grumbles about Boll Weevils*
(7) President Reagan's commitment to an active social policy agenda for the nation's children helped lower crime in our neighborhoods.
Don't know enough about this one to say anything.
(8) President Reagan led a national crusade against illegal narcotics, which resulted in a substantial decline in illegal drug use in the United States during his eight years in office.
And resulted in a substantial increase in minorities being locked up for minor drug offenses. Note the use of the word "crusade" here.
(9) President Reagan wrote `Abortion and the Conscience of a Nation' for the 10th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade, which stated `Abraham Lincoln recognized that we could not survive as a free land when some men could decide that others were not fit to be free and should therefore be slaves. Likewise, we cannot survive as a free nation when some men decide that others are not fit to live and should be abandoned to abortion or infanticide . . . there is no cause more important for preserving that freedom than affirming the transcendent right to life of all human beings, the right without which no other rights have any meaning'.
And that's a good thing? :eyes:
(10) President Reagan's commitment to our armed forces contributed to the restoration of pride in America, her principles of ordered liberty, and the heritage of Western Civilization.
And the destruction of every other part of the budget.
(11) President Reagan's unshakeable commitment to freedom strengthened America's mission to proclaim liberty throughout the world and led to the collapse of global Communism, the fall of the Iron Curtain, and the toppling of the Berlin Wall, giving millions of people across the globe formerly shackled by the Soviets opportunity to live in peace and freedom.
(12) President Reagan marked the beginning of his Presidency by recalling with shame `the series of historical tragedies--beginning with the broken promises of the Yalta Conference--that led to the denial of the most elementary forms of personal freedom and human dignity to millions in Eastern Europe and Asia'.
(13) President Reagan brought courage to those people cut off from others who lived in freedom, reminding them that `Until the people of the Baltic States and Eastern Europe are free to choose their own system of government, we will continue to speak up for their rights and champion their cause'.
(14) President Reagan called the world's attention to the plight of captive nations tyrannized behind the Iron Curtain, from Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, which included millions of Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Poles, Germans, Czechs, Slovaks, Romanians, Bulgarians, Albanians, Croats, Serbs, Bosnians, and others, reminding us that `Free people, if they are to remain free, must defend the liberty of others'.
So I guess nobody knew about these countries until Raygun was elected?</sarcasm>
(15) President Reagan made a promise to `all in Eastern Europe who are separated from neighbors and loved ones by an ugly Iron Curtain. And to every person trapped in tyranny, whether in the Ukraine, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Cuba or Vietnam, we send our love and support, and tell them they are not alone. Your struggle is our struggle, your dream is our dream, and someday, you, too, will be free'.
Get to the point already. Words, words, words....
(16) President Reagan boldly stood at the Brandenburg Gate in West Berlin, on June 12, 1987, declaring: `General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!'.
See points 11 and 15. And three days before I was born, too....
(17) President Reagan's vision of `peace through strength' brought the United States victory in the Cold War and freed millions of people from Soviet tyranny.
See point 11.
(18) President Reagan once summarized the mission of his administration as `Being free and prosperous in a world at peace. That's our ultimate goal.'.
It seems to me that he failed.
(19) President Reagan reminded his countrymen of our calling in world history: `I don't believe the people I've met in almost every State of this Union are ready to consign this, the last island of freedom, to the dust bin of history, along with the bones of dead civilizations of the past. Call it mysticism, if you will, but I believe God had a divine purpose in placing this land between the two great oceans to be found by those who had a special love of freedom and the courage to leave the countries of their birth. From our forefathers to our modern-day immigrants, we've come from every corner of the earth, from every race and every ethnic background, and we've become a new breed in the world. We're Americans and we have a rendezvous with destiny.'.
Welcome to the new American century, folks! I guess Raygun's saying that we're superior to everybody else in the world. Last I checked, Britain and France were pretty free.
H.R. 3633
:puke: :puke: :puke: