It is bad enough that a cadre of people on this board see fit to trash candidates they don't like. There are Dean 'supporters' who live to post vile garbage about Kerry and Clark. There are Clark 'supporters' who live to post vile garbage about Dean. And there are Kerry 'supporters' who live to post vile garbage about Dean. I don't like it but this is the primary. But the trashing of liberal icons like Ivins must stop. It is shameful for us to do this. Here is what I am talking about. the media want to address Bush’s character, then they should address his character, not his sex life. The main thing about Bush is that there’s not much there there.
This is not a person of great depth or complexity or intelligence; he does not have many ideas. (Actually, aside from tort reform, I’ve never spotted one.) I don’t think he knows or cares a great deal about governance. Nevertheless, he is a perfectly adequate governor of Texas, where we so famously have the weak-governor system. Bush was smart enough to do what Bob Bullock told him to for four years, and it worked fine.
Bush is also a pretty nice guy. I really think you would have to work at it to dislike the man. His best trait is self-deprecating humor.He’s above average; he’s more than mediocre. He has real political skills. If you separate the political part of public life (i.e., running for office) from the governing part (i.e., what you do after you get there), Bush is much better at the politics. This is true of many people in public life – in fact, a genuine interest in governance is relatively rare among politicians.
As proof of his political shrewdness, I submit two pieces of evidence: first, his careful wooing of the Hispanic community in Texas (such a refreshing contrast to that fool Wilson in California); and second, an extremely difficult balancing act keeping the Christian right, which controls the Texas Republican Party, from being perceived as the face of the party. (Most of Bush’s money comes from precisely the kind of rich Republicans who are horrified by the Christian right; anyone who has covered Texas Republican conventions during the past ten years knows how deep that split is.)
The single worst thing I can say about George W. Bush after five years of watching him is that if you think his daddy had trouble with "the vision thing," wait’ll you meet this one. I don’t think he has any idea why he’s running for the presidency, except that he’s competitive and he can. On the other hand, most Republicans don’t want government to do much anyway, so Bush is perfect for them.
Anyone who thinks Bush’s sound-bite slogan "compassionate conservatism" actually means something programmatic should study the latest reports on poverty in Texas. Hint to national media people (courtesy of the Center for Public Policy Priorities):
• Texas has a much higher percentage of poor working families with small children than other states.
• More poor Texas families have a full-time, year-round worker than similar families in other states.
• Texas’ poor families are more likely to rely on earnings for a majority of their income, and less likely to rely on welfare, than similar families in the nation.
• Poor working families in Texas are much less likely to be covered by health insurance. They are less likely to receive unemployment benefits. More than half the poor families are headed by a married couple. One out of six Texans is below the poverty level. The child poverty rate is 24.2 percent, compared to 20.4 percent nationally.
enf of my quote of Ivins' work (not the link I gave but that link is in there). The sentence in bold, and only the sentence in bold was quoted in the post I cited and given as Molly's opinion of Bush. Her crime. She had the audacity to support Dean. No reasonable person should contenance this behavior. This wasn't an honest mistake but a deliberate trashing of a great lady who is one of our few voices out there. Shame on those who would contenace this.