Karl Rove is more thuggish than creative. He probably has a staff of creative thinkers who come up with this stuff, files it away, and then he pulls it out when the timing is right.
It's also important to recall that his position, rather than the man, holds an unbelievable amount of power. The media bows down to him.
It never ceases to amaze me when my own newspaper the Oregonian, prints its own editorials praising Bush, and then just 6 inches off to the right, is letter after letter to the Editor, blasting the same man. This goes on every day. So it does help to have the media in your back pocket.
Also, we should never forget we are dealing with a professional. I was anticipating Bush's visit to London with excitement. At last, I thought, now everyone will see how hated Bush really is.
I prayed silently for massive demonstrations and lots of media coverage. I got my wish, but the American People were distracted by a little lunatic by the name of Michael Jackson. The timing was just right. The next day, I realized that this whole thing was planned far in advance. Notice they never even served Jackson with kind of accusation. It was a complete ruse.
So -- never underestimate him. And expect ANYTHING.