Edited on Sun Dec-07-03 03:29 AM by TruthIsAll
Poppy, Neil, Marvin, Jeb and George
Has anybody here seen my old friend Poppy? Can you tell me where he's gone? He slandered Dukakis and Clinton Now just look around, they're gone
Has anybody here seen my old friend Neil? Can you tell me where he's gone? I saw him at Silverado S&L Just look around, it's gone
Has anybody here seen my old friend Marvin? Can you tell me where he's gone? I saw him doing bidness with a sheik in Araby Just look around, he's gone
Has anybody here seen my old friend Jebbie? Can you tell me where he's gone? Disenfranchised blacks with Harris Just look around, they're gone
Has anybody here seen that AWOL Dubya? Can you tell me where he's gone? He sent our troops to Iraq Just look around, they're gone
Don't you hate the things that they stand for? They always screw you and me and they'll be free...to enrich the BFEE..
................................................................... How George HW Bush and Ronald Reagan helped arm Iraq' ... Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush sold hundreds of millions of ... George W. Bush says that our enemies hate ... secret policies of the Reagan/Bush scandals and their ... www.apfn.net/messageboard/12-16-02/discussion.cgi.24.shtml
The George HW Bush Pardons. ... Compassionate conservatism" is his slogan, but what are George Dubya's qualifications to be president? JEB. ... Jeb Bush Scandals. ... www.govsux.com/bushfiles.htm
George W. Bush's Funding Scandal 133 Pioneers are business executives, George Bush appointed 16 Pioneers to state government ... involved in one or more campaign finance-related scandals, and 20 ... www.tylwythteg.com/enemies/Bush/bush17.html
Documents related to the Iran/Contra Affair. George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography - covers all the alleged Bush scandals. www.democraticunderground.com/links/pages/Research_and_Dirt/George_Bush_Sr/
Even when George Bush the Elder trailed ... The economy seemed generally strong in 1988, and that helped Mr. Bush overcome questions about scandals in Mr ... www.ratherbiased.com/bush_george.htm
Jeb Bush's Family of Scandal ... But if you prefer sex scandals instead of drug scandals, you'll be rooting for her brother Jeb Bush Jr. ... www.pigdog.org/auto/Bush_Family_Hi_Jinx/link/2429.html
Jeb Bush's Daughter Charged with Prescription Fraud Brendan Farrington ... The Enron Scandal Grazes Another Bush in ... www.failureisimpossible.com/needtoknow/bushclan.htm
Jeb Bush's Secret Weapon The other voting scandals. ... Republicans sent out postcards over Jeb Bush's signature in a get-out-the-vote effort that ran afoul of the laws intended to prevent ... www.monitor.net/monitor/0011a/bushracecard.html
Jeb Bush Caught in Govt Sting -- ... prominent politicians were also caught on camera, including Jeb Bush with an unknown attractive woman -- not his wife. In this latest scandal, the FBI ... www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?channelid=49&contentid=126
Marvin Bush: Security, Secrecy and a Bush Brother Margie Burns ... www.failureisimpossible.com/needtoknow/bushclan.htm
9-11: Who Benefits? HCC Insurance/ Stratesec Links Marvin Bush & WTC by MARGIE BURNS. Another agenda behind the White House's frenzied drive against ... www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?channelid=79&contentid=812 ‘Frauds-R-Us’ - The Bush Family Saga ... of subsidies and lucrative contracts (eg Marvin Bush’s Ignite ... uses, Sybase Inc which has Bush family connections ... eg the SEC over the Silverado S&L scandal). ... www.informationclearinghouse.info/article3308.htm
The Mafia, CIA, and George Bush. New York: SPI Books (Shapolsky Publishers), 1992. 418 pages. ... www.namebase.org/books54.html
Iraqgate And maybe she was; perhaps Bush thought he needed a ... But judge Marvin Shoob saw that the government was pulling ... back in Italy, and an Iraqgate scandal in Britain ... www.namebase.org/books57.html
Bushies (& family) Scandals. John Ellis "Jeb" Bush. Alecia Swasy and Robert Trigaux, Jeb Bush followed the family ... www.disinfopedia.org/wiki.phtml?title=Jeb_Bush
Bush Family Profile Is All Good News ... sleazy activities by Neil and number-four son Marvin Bush. ... his allies had reason to keep quiet: Bush had his own--much more costly--bank scandals to worry ... www.baltimorechronicle.com/media_dec98.html
The fascinating details of Neil Bush's business affairs evoke memories of the "China scandals" that once plagued the Clintons. ... www.salon.com/opinion/conason/2003/11/26/neil_bush/print.html
Neil Bush is a younger brother of George W. Bush . ... of Silverado Savings and Loan during the Savings and Loan scandals of the ... www.tutorgig.com/encyclopedia/getdefn.jsp?keywords=Neil_Bush -
On the day that Neil Bush testified about his part in the Denver S&L scandal, Treasury Secretary Brady announced that the bailout would cost $59 billion more ... www.nathanielblumberg.com/neil.htm
Moon, the Bushes & Donald Rumsfeld Robert Parry ... Jeb Bush: Jeb Bush Scandals Page News/Updates for ... Neil Bush: Bush Brother Business Deals Detailed in Divorce Jeff ... www.failureisimpossible.com/needtoknow/bushclan.htm
Savings and Loan Scandal Neil Bush, George Bush's son, never servered ... With the money lost from the S&L scandals, the government could have purchased 5 million average homes. ... www.inthe80s.com/sandl.shtml
1988 Bush Campaign Coverup These past two days, I have been fortunate enough to read the book Silverado: Neil Bush and the Savings and Loan Scandal by a Denver ... www.netmagic.net/~franklin/SS1.html