Guerrilla of the Week
Editor's Pick, December 1, 2003
Every family member of a 9/11 victim reacted differently to their loss. Some wrapped themselves in the flag and called for revenge. Others took to the streets and cried out for peace. Others became obsessed with the memorial and how their loved ones would be remembered. Others became numb, unable to even fill out forms for federal funds allocated them. But a small number took it on themselves to find the truth about what really happened that day. there were the four New Jersey widows. Now Ellen Mariani, whose husband Louis died on the United Airlines flight that crashed into the South Tower, has joined the fight. Last week, she filed a bold lawsuit against President Bush and other top administration officials including Cheney, Ashcroft and Rumsfeld, charging they had knowledge about an impending attack and did nothing to stop it, and have been covering up the search for the truth since.
Mariani is suing the officials under the Civil RICO Act. The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act was originally created to take down the Mafia in 1970, but in the 80's became a popular legal device for people seeking redress for everything from common fraud to faulty products to breach of contract. Recently, courts have tried to stem the tide of RICO suits by requiring a claimant overcome numerous legal hurdles to prove a long-term pattern of criminal activity. 9/11 Moms Battle Bush
by Gail Sheehy
In mid-June, F.B.I. director Robert Mueller III and several senior agents in the bureau received a group of about 20 visitors in a briefing room of the J. Edgar Hoover Building in Washington, D.C. The director himself narrated a PowerPoint presentation that summarized the numbers of agents and leads and evidence he and his people had collected in the 18-month course of their ongoing investigation of Penttbom, the clever neologism the bureau had invented to reduce the sites of devastation on 9/11 to one word: Pent for Pentagon, Pen for Pennsylvania, tt for the Twin Towers and bom for the four planes that the government had been forewarned could be used as weapons—even bombs—but chose to ignore.
After the formal meeting, senior agents in the room faced a grilling by Kristen Breitweiser, a 9/11 widow whose cohorts are three other widowed moms from New Jersey.
"I don’t understand, with all the warnings about the possibilities of Al Qaeda using planes as weapons, and the Phoenix Memo from one of your own agents warning that Osama bin Laden was sending operatives to this country for flight-school training, why didn’t you check out flight schools before Sept. 11?"
"Do you know how many flight schools there are in the U.S.? Thousands," a senior agent protested. "We couldn’t have investigated them all and found these few guys."
"Wait, you just told me there were too many flight schools and that prohibited you from investigating them before 9/11," Kristen persisted. "How is it that a few hours after the attacks, the nation is brought to its knees, and miraculously F.B.I. agents showed up at Embry-Riddle flight school in Florida where some of the terrorists trained?"