is ok with me, but don't lie about my candidate, ok....
If you want to know why he was fired, ask....
Please note that there are additional articles (14 of them) from various mainstream publications also available at this link here. this is a Russian site which is dedicated to General Wes Clark. 8/9/99
Levin Statement on Departure of General Wesley Clark
Perspective on the Military: Why Wesley Clark Got the Ax at NATO
U.S. Department of State, Daily Press Briefing Aug. 3, 1999
Warrior's Rewards
General Clark's Last Stand
The Unappreciated General
Clark's Exit Was Leaked Deliberately, Official Says
President Clinton's "Distress"
Washington's Long Knives
Army Faces Reduced Leadership Role
then there this......archived from NYT....moderators, I have paid for this I can post it....this is not for commercial use.
July 29, 1999, Thursday
Clinton's Adviser Defends Decision to Retire NATO General
WASHINGTON, July 28 -- The President's top security adviser today defended the decision to speed up the retirement of the NATO Supreme Commander, Gen. Wesley K. Clark, by a few months to make way for his intended replacement, and the adviser insisted that the move did not signal any displeasure with the general's performance.
''General Clark is a superb commander,'' Samuel R. Berger, the national security adviser, said. ''The President has the highest degree of confidence in him.''
Over the weekend, Defense Secretary William S. Cohen chose Gen. Joseph W. Ralston, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as his candidate to succeed General Clark as the head of United States forces in Europe and NATO commander.
Administration officials said moving General Ralston to the prestigious NATO post was the Pentagon's primary motive.
General Ralston is required by law to leave his current post by February, because he will have served the maximum four years. That timetable led in turn to the decision to ask General Clark to leave his post a few months early. He had been scheduled to retire next summer, when his extended term would have ended.
NATO officials said General Clark was taken aback by the suddenness of the decision to have him retire in April or May, a message relayed to him by telephone on Tuesday while he was traveling.
''His assumption was that he would remain as long as he was doing a good job,'' a NATO official said. ''This came sooner than expected.''
Several officials felt compelled to dismiss any notion that the general's many disagreements with the Pentagon and other NATO members in the Kosovo conflict might have contributed to the decision. General Clark urged a more aggressive bombing campaign and asked the Pentagon for speedier deployment of equipment and troops.
His insistence that NATO prepare for the possibility of a ground war was at odds with the Administration, which did not want to pursue an invasion that would be publicly unpopular.
Officials went to great lengths to play down the friction and turn the spotlight on the promotion of General Ralston.
Mr. Cohen and Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright joined today in praising General Clark.
''He's done an outstanding job in serving this capacity as Commander of the European Forces and Supreme Allied Commander,'' Mr. Cohen said at a news conference in Tokyo.
Last Thursday, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Hugh H. Shelton, met senior military commanders, including General Clark, in Tampa, Fla., but nothing was said to General Clark about his impending early retirement, several officials who were at the meeting said.
On Tuesday, when General Shelton telephoned General Clark who was on an official visit to Lithuania, to tell him the news, General Clark was upset that he had not been told in Florida, a NATO official said.
A spokesman for General Shelton said that the Chairman had telephoned General Clark as soon as the final decision was made over the weekend and that General Ralston had agreed to be a candidate.
General Clark said today that he considered the action part of a routine change of command. ''When a soldier's journey is over, it's over,'' he said in Vilnius, Lithuania, according to the Baltic News Service.
At the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill, reaction to was muted.
''I think this is much ado about very little here,'' said Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, a Texas Republican who opposed the Kosovo bombing but is close to General Clark. ''I don't think this is in any way a slap at General Clark. It's not unusual to make a two- or three-month adjustment in someone's tour to accommodate another officer.''
Lawmakers and officers praised General Ralston, who is 55. ''Joe Ralston will be very good,'' said Tillie Fowler, a Florida Republican who is on the House Armed Services Committee.
A highly decorated former combat pilot in Vietnam and an administrator known for his skills at building a consensus, General Ralston withdrew from consideration for Chairman of the Joint chiefs two years, ago after it became known that he had an affair in the 1980's while separated from his wife.
He had planned to retire next year to Anchorage, Alaska. But in his last two years as vice chairman, his 18-hour days, for example seeing to details like accompanying Ms. Albright to visit the Chinese Ambassador here on the night a NATO plane bombed the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, helped erase military and Administration concerns that he could not surmount the adultery reports.
Mr. Cohen cited General Ralston's ''diplomatic skills, his war capabilities and his war record.''