I have been looking around whenever certain topics rear their heads. Last night I posted from another campaign about "google-bombing", which I happened upon accidentally. However it was being advocated by a few on the forum of another Democratic candidate. I see it being tried here today.
I am looking at the Dean forum, and checking through the blog's there as well. Why? Not just to be ugly, but because I hope I don't find posts advocating negativity against another candidate. It is just wrong.
I did find this on a forum.....and thankfully folks had already
stepped in to be moderate voices for sanity. That is good.
http://forum.johnkerry.com//index.php?showtopic=987SNIP..."The wisdom of campaign practitioners is that nothing but NEGATIVE MESSAGES regarding the Howard Dean candidacy can change the present dynamic of the campaign.
The positive public support for Dean cannot be changed without contrary negative information being put before the public.
Academic research is more nuanced regarding the effects of Negative Political Advertising. I include some citations below:
Gina Garramone et. al. in "Effects of Negative Political Advertising on the Political Process," (Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media,1990 ) asserted that negative ads are very effective when differentiating or discriminating candidates' images....."MORE
Yep, that's politics. It is easy to make fun of those of us who are not hardened politicos, who support Dean because it finally matters to us to get involved. We already know for sure that he has his faults, that we will not agree with everything he says or does, but that would be true with any candidate.
Shame on us for destroying ourselves.