...just more proof that DU is a great place to find information...or it was...and will be when the infighting stops...
Must_B_Free May-15-03, 09:49 PM (ET)
Convince your friends - with FACTS!
My skeptical friend said the articles i sent him seem to be lean on facts, so I jotted some facts out of my head and he liked them. He said they were more convincing than the articles...
here they are:
Gradgrind wanted facts too. Are these facts? Who knows? You can't tell anything anymore inside the fog of war. I do trust in human nature and the power of greed and ego to lead to attrocities, especially when the checks and balances are gone. I compiled these myself, out of my own tiny noggin:
- Powell went to UN twice with phony evidence, that was debunked. We went to war anyway, but at the last minute claimed it was for "Iraqi Freedom" instead of all the reasons that were present to and rejected in weeks of negotiations at the UN.
- no WMDs have been found in Iraq, certainly not the ones detailed in specific quantities by powell. The lead US weapons inspection team has already been removed.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A40212-2003May10.html- Saddam was not captured, nor were any remains identified.
- Saddam's Baath party was secular, but the largest power base in the country now seems to be the fundamentalist Shiites who have demonstrated in Baghdad that they can rally a million strong.
http://www.cleveland.com/news/plaindealer/index.ssf?/base/news/1051090459262630.xml- Osama has not been captured, no remains identified.
- "Terrorists" are still attacking US targets.
- Bechtel and Halliburton have both gotten no-bid open ended contracts to rebuild all that we destroyed.
http://www.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,15410-12289719,00.html- Defense contractors will replace all of the million dollar missles that we blew up.
- The US and the British seek to control Iraq's oil.
http://edition.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/05/10/sprj.irq.main/- Jessica Lynch was reported to have fought her Iraqi attackers and was said to have shot and tortured. None of those claims has been supported by any evidence. None of the medical examiners can corrobarate. She conveniently develops "amnesia" and can't refute or corroberate the US version of her tale. (But she does get a free vacation to Maui)
http://www.thehawaiichannel.com/news/2167585/detail.html- There are still talks about punishing France for opposing our war because they thought that there were no WMDs, even though it turns out there were no WMDs.
- Richard Perle, who holds no government position, yet has tremendous influence on US policy actions through conservative think tanks told attendees of an investment seminar how they could profit from conflicts.
http://www.capitolhillblue.com/artman/publish/article_2192.shtml- Richard Perle called Sy Hersch a terrorist for his exposee of Perle's conflict of interests
http://www.counterpunch.org/nimmo03102003.html (Salaman Rushdie anyone?)
- There is not a single story on CNN about the stonewalled the poorly funded 911 investigation.
http://search.cnn.com/cnn/search?query=911+investigation&source=cnn_datehttp://search.cnn.com/cnn/search?query=9-11+investigation&source=cnn_date- Afghanistan is not shaping up well.