Charles Krauthammer's column on Friday starts off by calling Howard Dean delusional for saying that the White House may have been warned that some sort of attack was likely before 9/11, and for making a joke that Fox should be broken up. It ends by telling individuals to send $2,000 to the Republican Natl Commitee, and couples to send $4,000.
The column is supposed to be funny, but it would take a pretty slimy mindset to actually find it funny.
The article is at: article is analyzed at: you object to any aspect of the article, please politely contact the Washington Post ombudsman. Be polite because the ombudsman didn't write or approve the article and we want him on our side.
Michael Getler is the ombudsman for The Washington Post. Before taking on this position in November 2000, he served as executive editor of the International Herald Tribune from 1996 until 2000. He can be reached at (202) 334-7582 or by e-mail at, or c/o The Washington Post, 1150 15th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., 20071.
To reiterate, Charles Krauthammer wrote the dubious column, and ombudsman Michael Getler has the authority to take action.