it seems that most Americans want decent public schools and affordable and good health care for all, not just the rich, and the ability to send their children to college, and do not want social security dismantled, and the recent outcry against the loosening of FCC rules demonstrates, I think, that Americans do not want crazed deregulation...
the problem is that repukes have made a concerted effort, which is documented, to smear and distort "liberals."
but if you poll Americans on what they want from their govt, they want the things that liberals want, by and large.
however, they also make a disconnect between wanting those things and paying for them.
yet, there is also some recognition of the usefulness of taxes for certain issues...and also a distrust of porky politics when it's the other person getting the pork.
Dems need to use graph charts to show the unfair distribution of tax burden vs wealth, for instance, and use that to tell voters to demand, at the voting booth, politicians who will bring fairness back to America and to undo the harm that the Bushies have done to the core values of Americans.
I realize this is difficult when you've got rich media whores who also work to lie about the issues by the way they are framed, but the dems aren't stupid.
they can reach Americans, as Howard Dean has shown.
They have to give up their whoredom to corporate interests alone to do this, however.
It's their decision to make.
They have a more difficult issue now, too, in redistricting.
The repukes have launched yet another war on the American electorate by gerrymandering districts to take control of Congress to enact legislation that the majority does not support.
The problem with most Americans that I've heard is that they think all politicians are equally corrupt and in league to screw them over.
repukes play to that and lie about their own goals by their "no tax" b.s. which actually hurts people who are mad...because they're also the ones who are not filthy rich. irony of irony in this country that the nascar crowd is in the repuke camp for the most part, because they continually vote against their own best interests.