While we may have realized what Jeb and Katherine pulled off in 2000, I did not even see a connection. It is going on big time.
"Florida Governor Jeb Bush, the brother of President-appoint George W. Bush, has pledged an investigation into alleged irregularities in the recent Presidential elections in Florida, including charges that systematic efforts were made to keep African-American voters from the polls of that state. This is like one of the Jesse James gang offering to look into problems with bank security systems, using some of the proceeds from their bank robberies to fund the research.SNIP..."Among other serious charges, there is evidence that Florida police set up police check roadblocks in black communities on election day, that many black voters were illegally purged from the voting rolls by a Republican-financed consultant firm, and that voting machines malfunctioned at higher rates in black precincts than elsewhere.
These allegations of vote-stealing have a familiar ring.
SNIP..."In the first election I witnessed in South Carolina (it was 1970, I believe), a voting machine broke down in one of the largest black precincts in Charleston. It was in the middle of the morning rush. There were no replacement machines available, and while a repairman worked on the problem for a couple of hours, several hundred African-Americans eventually left the precinct without getting the chance to vote. I became righteously indignant, as I often was in those days, but my Charleston friends were philosophical. It happens every election, they told me. And so it did. Never the same precinct. Never the same time of day. Never the same problem with the machine. But for many elections afterward, somewhere in Charleston on election day, a voting machine in a black precinct would break down for an hour or two.
Once is an accident. Twice is incredibly bad luck. Three times or more is a plan...."
I never thought in "connections" on this subject, I never realized how bad Nixon was. I even ran across one article that said Carter was involved in this "strategy." Where the hell have I been?