..who believes he or she has a personal psychic hotline to god, and like a divining rod, god will point the correct direction for this or that action.
this, of course, allows the person to discount any advice or other consideration which does not match his or her culturally-influenced decisions...because they are, like the Bible, a literal translation of the word of God...
unless, of course, they aren't, in which case the person wasn't praying enough, or Satan interferred, or the failure of whatever it was was God's way of giving them a test and a way to grow.
in other words, no matter what, they can explain whatever they do by a closed belief system which discourages honest examination.
You know, of course, that women could not have the right to hold property, or the right to vote because god told the religious "right" that women should be subject to their husbands, and god told Paul that women were not supposed to preach, but since the sixties, women in this country in the south can hold property, and they got the right to vote before that, and they're still subject to their husbands, but that doesn't mean they can't have big hair and lots of mascara, but it's a mystery how this all changed.
you know, of course, that slavery was okay because god said so in the old testament, and slaves were from the tribe of Dan, and therefore god gave southerners permission to hold them as slaves...except that god and the government didn't agree, and then there was a war, and emancipation, and a long while later, few if any in the religious "right" would imagine that it's okay to hold slaves in America...but it's a mystery how this all changed.
You know, of course, that god told all the religious "right" that blacks and white were not supposed to mix because it was in the scriptures...but now it's okay, sort of, for them to mix, or at least co-exist, at least for some southerners, but it's a mystery how all that changes.
now, of course, god told all the religious "right" that homosexuals should not be recognized as adults with the right to choose a life partner. eventually god won't say that anymore, after enough of the religious rights' children live with their same sex partners, but its a mystery how that changes.
--hope that helped--