I emphasize the date because in that speech, given February 17, 2002, Dennis Kucinich opposes war on Iraq long before the Bush* administration introduced its new "product," (war on Iraq) in the fall of 2002. Rep. Kucinich may have been the first to speak out against the war. He also spoke against war on Iran and war on North Korea -- as well as the conduct of the war in Afghanistan, including the bombing of civilians and the taking of detainees for incarceration at Guantanamo for an indefinite period of time.
"A Prayer for America" was my introduction to Dennis John Kucinich and I checked him out after that and hoped he would run for president. Naturally, I have supported him ever since he entered the race, and will continue to do so. He knows what's going on and he's not afraid to say it in public, including on the floor of the House.
Here is a portion of "A Prayer for America" for those who haven't read it, or who read it long ago. No matter who you're supporting for the nomination, Dennis Kucinich sums up everything that needs to be done.
"Because we did not authorize the invasion of Iraq. We did not authorize the invasion of Iran. We did not authorize the invasion of North Korea. We did not authorize the bombing of civilians in Afghanistan. We did not authorize permanent detainees in Guantanamo Bay. We did not authorize the withdrawal from the Geneva Convention. We did not authorize military tribunals suspending due process and habeas corpus. We did not authorize assassination squads. We did not authorize the resurrection of COINTELPRO. We did not authorize the repeal of the Bill of Rights. We did not authorize the revocation of the Constitution. We did not authorize national identity cards. We did not authorize the eye of Big Brother to peer from cameras throughout our cities. We did not authorize an eye for an eye. Nor did we ask that the blood of innocent people, who perished on September 11, be avenged with the blood of innocent villagers in Afghanistan. We did not authorize the administration to wage war anytime, anywhere, anyhow it pleases. We did not authorize war without end. We did not authorize a permanent war economy."
Another of my favorite lines is: "The Attorney General recently covered up a statue of Lady Justice showing her bosom as if to underscore there is no danger of justice exposing herself at this time, before this administration."
Words have power and Dennis Kucinich knows how to wield them.