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Greg Palast cd on Jello Biafra's label

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Bushfire Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-08-03 12:10 AM
Original message
Greg Palast cd on Jello Biafra's label
I think this is great for those who missed his book tour, but would have liked to have been there. Maybe you went, and want a copy of one of his speeches like I do. I'm not being paid for plugging this by the way either, just a GP fan.

Greg has gone and done it again. Somehow Jello Biafra and his label (Alternative Tentacles) is letting Greg sneak under the corporate media’s electronic Berlin Wall and report to you on this one hour, twenty-two track, CD - Live and Uncensored.

Exclusive for the holidaze for subscribers only.

Weapon Of Mass Instruction is packed with take-no-prisoners exposes such as the Bush Family Frankenstein Factory, the theft of the 2000 election (revisited and updated with the hap-hazard reforms that are already affecting the 2004 election) the Iraq war, and of course the real story on who’s winning the war on terror. Palast also tells us the truth about the investigation into the Bin Laden family – a story that has fallen into the blackhole of American Media – but has been blasted all over the BBC by Greg and his Newsnight reports and has appeared all over the internet because of people like you.

We are offering this CD to you exclusively – there is currently only a very limited supply – we are giving you first dibs. So if it sounds like something you’d be into - stop by, pick up a copy, and spread the holiday cheer. I know you were thinking about springing for that old fruit-cake in the bottom of your closet to give to Grandma again – but this year try something new while supporting a great cause.

Thank you for all of your support,
The Team

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LoZoccolo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-08-03 12:12 AM
Response to Original message
1. Is Palast an old-school punk-rawker?
The illustrations in his book look all punk rawk to me.
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