David Schopick, MD
As a child, adolescent and adult psychiatrist, I would like to encourage New Hampshire voters to support Dr. Howard Dean for president.
In making this decision, I asked myself which candidate would be the best leader for my patients and for my family. In my private practice, I am seeing an increasing number of patients who have recently lost their health insurance coverage. The most common reason is the exportation of their jobs overseas, a process started under previous administrations which continues to have a major impact on the middle and working class in our country.
While their former companies strengthen their financial positions by moving manufacturing offshore, these former employees face an uncertain future. They continue to have just as many medical and psychiatric problems, but will generally postpone treatment and seek treatment later through more costly venues such as emergency rooms and hospitals.
Dr. Dean has demonstrated the ability to take a federal program called "Healthy Kids" and make it the most successful statewide program in the United States by providing coverage to 96 percent of all Vermont children. This is a remarkable accomplishment. Health insurance and adequate, respectful access to health care is essential for a solid start in life, and is especially necessary for a fair chance at a good education.
No one should minimize the value of good health and good education in reducing many of the ills of society. As a forensic psychiatrist, I am most impressed with the high level of high school dropouts in our county jails and prisons. There is a clear connection between dropping out of school and future criminal behavior.
Read the whole thing! It's got a lot of great points including why a Doctor's perspective can be so valuable.