Edited on Mon Dec-08-03 02:48 PM by soup
is what I saw at the VA hospital here - amazingly enough, on the same day, regarding the same speech -
Unfortunately, we've had some recent dealings with the medical care provided for our vets in general, and my DAV husband in particular. (don't even get me started on the medical side of it, the waiting lists and lack of available and immediate care) Whew! just barely avoided a major full-blown rant.
The televisions in the waiting areas are tuned to CNN and while I stood off to the side in the interminable line waiting for prescriptions for my husband, I was watching people's reactions to the speech.
There was one very elderly man sitting close to one of the tvs, watching intently. The rest of the people in the waiting areas were basically ignoring the television - instead, they were reading, talking among themselves, and clock or people watching.
As people walked, hobbled, hurried, wheeled, or were wheeled by the area, some would glance at the tv, then away - others would take a moment's notice, then make a small 'swat away a fly' dismissive motion or just shake their head, and go on about whatever they were doing. Not one stopped to sit and watch or show anything more than a fleeting sign of disinterest in what was being said.
It surprised me a little considering how much support we hear this commander in thief has. It saddened me immensely to be there and see the pain of reality, and hear the snippets of conversations - like the quiet desperation one man was trying to convey while talking to a cashier about his billing and the eventuality of the money he didn't have being drawn directly from his pension. A small, insane flash had me yelling something like, 'liar!' at the tv, or 'can someone please change this to the cartoon channel so we can have a little truth?' or some such.
It was definitely a very weird place to find myself with *jr spouting to the military on the tv in the background.
Thanks for sharing this letter, trof. Though our experience that day - in a similar surrounding - was different, it did leave me with a sense of nobody there really caring what came out of *his mouth.