FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASe December 8, 2003
MEdia advisory for the foreign press and concerned U.S. journalists
A 9/11 Widow files racketeering Suit Against the White House,
a "9/11 Truth Candidate" Challenges Bush in NH GOP Primary,
The Sarah McClendon Study Group to host "Tomorrow's 9/11 Newsmakers Today"
at the National Press Club on Wednesday, December 10, 2003. Press Conference at 7:00 P.M.
"No event in recent history has been written about, talked about, or watched and rewatched as much as the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001… So, why after 730 days do we know so little about what really happened that day?" – William Bunch, Philadelphia Daily News, 9/11/03
Despite the best efforts of 9/11 victim family members, their support groups and independent researchers, the accelerating challenges to the government's "official story" still remain largely unreported in the American press. Enough hard evidence debunking the official version of events has now surfaced, however, to embolden some patriotic citizens to begin taking action on their own. Several of the most prominent will appear together at the National Press Club Wednesday to explain their unique legal and political crusades for belated truth, justice and accountability.
Ellen Mariani: New Hampshire 9/11 widow who lost her husband Louis in Flight 175 which hit the WTC South Tower filed a 62-page RICO
Act complaint against Bush, Cheney and other White House officials on November 26th charging foreknowledge of attacks; failure to act, prevent, or warn; passive abetment for personal & political gainl intentional, organized criminal activity; wrongful death; obstruction of justice; etc.
Philip J. Berg: Ms. Mariani's attorney and former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania
JEFFREY A. TRUEMAN, Mariani Litigation Team Coordinator and Founder, Veterans Equal Rights Protection Advocacy, Inc. (
John Buchanan: Investigative journalist who broke the October story documenting Prescott Bush's role in Nazi financing from 1926 to 1942, now preparing to run against George W. Bush in the New Hampshire GOP Primary as the "9/11 Truth Candidate."
Although their backgrounds and tactics vary widely, these individuals make a common and richly documented case for criminal negligence if not complicity at the highest reaches of our government. They believe these revelations offer a whole new understanding of our post-9/11 military, police and economic policies, and thus will play an enormous role in the elections next year.
Please drop by, learn some facts, and draw you own conclusions. Nothing deserves more attention today.
For more information: Edward Hurley, Sarah McClendon Study Group, 703-527-0237
National Press Club, 529 14th Street NW (corner of 14th and F Street), Washington, DC
For maps and directions, see: