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For Immediate Release: December 8, 2003
Alice Walker Endorses Kucinich, Will Be Keynote at Kucinich Event
What: "A Celebration of Light: Harnessing the Power of Our Diversity" - Public Forum Featuring Dennis J. Kucinich, Alice Walker, and community leaders, activists and artists in the fields of sustainability, peace and social justice. When: Monday, December 15, 2003, 5:30 p.m. PST fundraiser reception ; 7-10 p.m. PST Keynotes and public forum.
Where: Unitarian Universalist Church, 1187 Franklin Street at Geary, San Francisco, Calif.
Pulitzer Prize and American Book Award recipient Alice Walker, author of "The Color Purple," and "Anything We Love Can Be Saved: A Writer's Activism," has endorsed Democratic Presidential Candidate Dennis J. Kucinich and will join him on stage for a celebration to mark the 25th anniversary of his stand to save Cleveland's public power utilities.
Then-Mayor Kucinich kept a campaign promise and refused to sell the Cleveland municipal electric system to a private company, CEI, the predecessor to the infamous Ohio First Energy, which earlier this year sent the nation into the largest blackout in modern history. Panelists, speakers, performers, and host committee members will include: Van Jones, Executive Director of Ella Baker Center for Human Rights; Randy Hayes, Executive Director of Rainforest Action Network and Director of Sustainability for the City of Oakland; Marie Harrison, SF Bay View correspondent; Renee Saucedo, Executive Director of La Raza Centro Legal; Kevin Danaher, Co-founder of Global Exchange; Gaylen Logan of Youth and Fusion; Best-selling author Joanna Macy; Reverend Eloise Oliver of the East Bay Church of Religious Science; Award-Winning Composer Gary Malkin; and Youth Speaks.