Saddam was in power 23 years. About 8200 days right?
Some say he killed 1 million people. Toss that number out. Meaningless for this discussion.
Lets stick to the mass graves. Some say 300 maybe up to 500 thousand people in them.
I have wondered if those people werent mainly people killed in the iraq/iran war, the first gulf war and the uprising soon after. Three major events in 20 years. Lots of dead people. where did they all go?
But no the rightwingers scream! Those graves are filled with people that saddam was executing! innocent victims.
I even had one right winger tell me in a chat room that i hang out in way too often ( ) that saddam was honorable enough to bury all of those hundreds of thousands of people killed during those war periods in single graves the muslim way.
So ok, assume they are right. whats say 400,000 divided by 8200 days.
48 people a day. 60 if they find 500,000. 40-50 people saddam was executing every day to fill those graves up. Thats every day. even when he was at war or invading another country or getting his ass forced out of a country, no matter what was going on.
Just one more piece of garbage being desperately spewed to try to justify this war somehow.