Edited on Mon Dec-08-03 05:41 PM by msmcghee
. . America, this is not an election where either me or Bush* will win or lose, this is your election to win or lose.
I'd like to see him place the election squarely in the lap of the American electorate. Explain that no matter who gets the most votes, he and Bush* will both be pretty well off.
Neither of them will have to worry about health care in their old age or social security, they can both send their kids to private schools, neither gets paid by the hour so overtime is not an issue for them - and they'll both be able to afford vacations in places that are not polluted.
I'd like for him to have the guts to tell them "If you really want to lose everything that your parents and grandparents and great-grandparents fought for over the last 50 years that has made us a strong proud nation, where many can achieve great wealth but where we still take care of those in need - then so be it - perhaps you don't deserve to have those things."
I think too many Americans see this as some contest between the RNC and the Dems - sort of like a Survivor episode. Until they understand what is at stake for themselves and their kids, and I don't think they do - they'll just continue to treat it as another political TV special.
I don't expect too many comments on this - but I just wanted to send this out into DU meme space. Thanks for reading it.