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Is Joe Trippi our Karl Rove?

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jenk Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-08-03 07:51 PM
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Is Joe Trippi our Karl Rove?
Just curious, how good is he as an advisor? You have to take notice of the remarkable job he did with Dean.

What about previous experience?
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WhoCountsTheVotes Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-08-03 07:56 PM
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1. Joe Trippi for DNC Chair
You can't argue with success, especially for a job like DNC Chair.
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liberalnurse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-08-03 07:57 PM
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2. Apparently the man has evolved ....
He has come into is own... it is now his time...a political genius!
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Cleita Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-08-03 07:59 PM
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3. Not unless he has a swastika tattooed on his ass.
Karl Rove is a back room dealer in covert plots. Joe Trippi is a creative thinker, who saw a resource, the internet, that was unused and exploited it, openly and out there for everyone to see. There was nothing covert about it, but it was a very smart thing to do.
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eissa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-08-03 08:01 PM
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4. Trippi definitely deserves praise
Even if Dean does not get the nomination, Trippi's contribution to the campaign has been invaluable. Like Rove? I don't know. Rove IS a genius; anyone who can take that chimp, have him run against peace and prosperity AND win (sort of), plus somehow spin well enough to have half the American public STILL think shrub should remain in office is a formidable foe.
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KittyWampus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-08-03 08:02 PM
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5. Hope Not!How Long Did It Take Dean To Get On Top Of Rebel Flag
and his Locked Files issues???

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Ellen Forradalom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-08-03 08:02 PM
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6. Joe Trippi has a long background in politics
and knows his way around political tricks, much like Karl Rove. The New Republic ran a cover story on him in the 11/17 issue. It recounts a tale from the '84 primary when, as a Mondale operative, he pulled a stunt on Alan Cranton's campaign. He needed tickets to an event in Iowa, but they were all bought up. So he dressed up a bunch of buses with Cranston signs and had the riders collect tickets from Cranston's campaign people. Oooh, it was low. But the sad truth is that you don't win elections if you're not willing to pull out all stops. And we need to throw a guy like Trippi up against Rove.

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chookie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-08-03 08:29 PM
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7. No comparison!
How can anyone think Joe Trippi is some kind of genius because he has taken a highly intelligent, insightful, quick, articulate, dynamic man and helped him be successful candidate against a total F***Up?

What's the challenge in that?

Now, on the other hand, Karl Rove took a MONKEY and obtained the highest office in the land for him -- *against* the wishes of the majority of voters in the world's most famous democracy. That had to have been very very hard. I don't care how much it cost -- it's still a remarkable achievement

If Joe Trippi switches his allegiance to Ficus, that's different.
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