Edited on Mon Dec-08-03 08:48 PM by BeFree
In the presidential election of 2000, three main candidates were entered: Texas' adopted son ran against a Volunteer State homeboy, and a Public Citizen Investor for the office.
The fourth estate, however, was the deciding factor in the campaigns. Clearly, the Texan was the fourth estate's favored candidate of this election. Clearly the fourth estate made sure the Texan's sordid history was kept from a unknowing public.
Gore, on the other hand, similarly to the mythic Gulliver, was severely anchored by the fourth estate using yards and yards of grapevine twine to tie Gore down .
Public Citizen, all the while, cast about looking for a disaffected voters parlaying his message that he, above all others, was different. He got 3, maybe 4 percent, of the vote and in so doing removed the 3 to 4 percent margin of victory from Gore.
This left the sloppy counting of America's vote to a voting system with security holes big enough to drive a truck through. So, what happened was this: those who counted the votes had more to say about the outcome than those who actually voted. The final vote was 5 for the Texan, and 4 for Gore.
In the campaign, the Texan described himself as a Compassionate Conservative. We now see that what he was trying to say was that he was a Compassionate Con Artist.
Also, claiming he was a Uniter, the Texan ConVinced most of the herd that instead of division he would bring unity to the flock. Oh yeah, we're all unified now, ain't we?
Instead of bringing together the American people, the born-again Con has splintered the People into camps of those who do, and those who voo-doo. Similar to earlier depictions of a Con's policies as Voo-Doo economics, this Voo-Doo faction also believes 400 billion dollar deficits are good for you.
This ConVersion of American politics has lead to a distinct invitation to Dissent.
The Radical manipulations of traditional American Declarations has resulted in this Invitation to Dissent. Far too many Americans feel like they are being led to the slaughterhouse. Open Dissent was sure to follow from such leadings.
Instead of taking a reasoned approach, the Texan strode into the crowded market with his six-guns blazing.
Instead of securing American borders from oversea perils, the Texan has run overseas wagging his weapons. Several thousand foreign innocents now lay dead from his misguided bullets.
Further Encouraging Dissent in this country has been the pleadings from the Texan that anybody who questions him is being unpatriotic. Like Dissent was never an American tradition!
It is now quite obvious that the machinations of this administration were designed to Invite Dissent, and Encourage Division.